




Feasibility of anticipatory action in the Pacific Islands region

This report seeks to expand the understanding of anticipatory action in Small Island Developing States, with a focus on the geographic and socio-institutional aspects of independent Pacific Island Countries in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. This report provides a summary of regional and selected national contexts and approaches to the building...
Fiji - Palau - Solomon Islands
2024 - FAO

Stories of agrifood systems change Insights from Côte d’Ivoire, Cambodia, the Pacific, Guatemala and Albania

The need to shift towards new ways of thinking and working to address the current global challenges is implied in the growing conversation around agrifood systems, systems approaches and transformation. While increasingly used, these terms are far from being universally understood. A series of country change stories has been documented...
Albania - Cambodia - Côte d'Ivoire - Fiji - Guatemala - Solomon Islands - Vanuatu
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Review of existing legislation to protect pollinators from pesticides in selected countries

Honeybees (Apis mellifera), wild bees, and other pollinators can be adversely affected by pesticides as well as other stressors, with potentially large economic and ecological consequences. Legislation is one possible tool which can be used to support actions to protect pollinators from pesticides. Several documents have been published at the...
Australia - China - Dominica - Ireland - Kenya - Niger - Rwanda - Saint Lucia - Samoa - Solomon Islands - United Republic of Tanzania - United States of America - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2022 - FAO

Solomon Islands training addresses gender challenges women face in the agriculture and rural sector

Focused on gender equality, analysis and mainstreaming, the training provided an opportunity for 12 females and 18 males Solomon Islands Government staff from the ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA), Public Service (MPS) and Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to learn more about...
Solomon Islands
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Food consumption in Solomon Islands

Based on the analysis of the 2012/13 Household Income and Expenditure survey
This report presents the main results derived from the analysis of the food data collected in the 2012/13 HIES to inform current patterns on food and nutrient consumption in Solomon Islands. Based on this analysis around one person out of 10 was undernourished in Solomon Islands. That is, their habitual...
Solomon Islands
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Impacts of COVID-19 on the food systems of Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) and responses

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cities have been lockdown, businesses have been closed, travel and gathering have been banned, and supply chains have been disrupted. The pandemic is upending economies and daily life everywhere, including the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS). In the selected PSIDs, Fiji is the only...
Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Exploring inclusive palm oil production

ETFRN news 59
This ETFRN News edition brings together 24 articles and interviews from around the world that reflect on the following questions: How do such actions and their impacts differ between different smallholder types and organizations? How do they differ between countries, regions and corporate contexts? What are the effects of various...
Brazil - Cameroon - Colombia - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Honduras - Indonesia - Nigeria - Papua New Guinea - Peru - Sierra Leone - Solomon Islands - Uganda
2019 - Tropenbos International

A Review of Women's Access to Fish in Small-Scale Fisheries

Women play a critical role in every link of the value chain in small-scale fisheries, although their best-known roles are in processing and marketing of fish and other fishery products. This perception of the highly gender-segregated division of labour (men fishing / women processing) has shaped the generalized approach in...
Bangladesh - Cambodia - Ghana - Malawi - Mozambique - Nigeria - Solomon Islands - South Africa - Thailand - Tunisia - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Developing sustainable, green and inclusive agricultural value chains in the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands

This paper summarises and integrates two reports on agricultural commodity chains prepared in early 2013 as part of a study of ACP value chains. The reports were funded by FAO and commissioned by the ACP/EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The two original reports cover a total of...
Belize - Fiji - Grenada - Haiti - Jamaica - Solomon Islands - Vanuatu
2014 - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Farmer Organizations and the Market in Melanesia

Five case studies are included here as examples of attempts to link small farmers with markets in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. The case studies explore the business model used and the lessons learned. They are drawn from among the loose network of the organizations that are members of...
Papua New Guinea - Solomon Islands
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Food Security and Sustainable Livelihood Programme for Pacific Island Countries: National Capacity Building for Strategic Project Identification and Design.

The considerable food price rise and financial crises and already felt climate change effects on Pacific Island Countries (PICs) have highlighted food security and livelihoods vulnerability and fragility in the region. With many mainly very small islands dispersed in a vast ocean, the challenges for individual countries to address their...
Fiji - Papua New Guinea - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Trinidad and Tobago - Tunisia - Türkiye - Turkmenistan - Tuvalu - Vanuatu
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Building resilience to climate change

root crop and fishery production
This Food Security Toolkit, designed specifically for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), aims to improve Pacific Islanders’ ability to produce and access safe and nutritious foods that meet their dietary and cultural needs. Targeting food security in the Pacific region is a critical action in the face of climate...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Kiribati - Marshall Islands - Micronesia (Federated States of) - Nauru - Niue - Palau - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu

Agriculture for Growth: learning from experience in the Pacific

Summary results of five country studies in Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu
This study has adopted an empirical approach using case study research to gather evidence to better inform policy processes is the Pacific region. It aims to distill the lessons from experience, looking for critical factors of success and any context specific issues which may influence the way that different communities...
Fiji - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Vanuatu
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Pacific Food Security Toolkit Building Resilience To Climate Change Root Crop And Fishery Production

This Food Security Toolkit, designed specifically for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), aims to improve Pacific Islanders’ ability to produce and access safe and nutritious foods that meet their dietary and cultural needs. Targeting food security in the Pacific region is a critical action in the face of climate...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Niue - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu

Organic agriculture and fair trade in Pacific island countries

The increased demand for high quality products in export markets, coupled with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) national desire to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming structures, lead to assume that organic agriculture could offer good prospects for PICs development. Besides market opportunities, organic agriculture could increase PICs food self-reliance...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Kiribati - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Vanuatu
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Climate Change And Food Security In The Pacific

This brief has been prepared for the UN Convention on Climate Change meeting in Copenhagen, December 2009, to raise awareness of the imminent impacts of climate change on food security in Pacific island countries and territories and to urge participants to consider the importance of mainstreaming food security in climate-related...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Micronesia (Federated States of) - Niue - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu

Organic Agriculture And Fair Trade In Pacific Island Countries

The increased demand for high quality products in export markets, coupled with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) national desire to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming structures, lead to assume that organic agriculture could offer good prospects for PICs development. Besides market opportunities, organic agriculture could increase PICs food self-reliance...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Kiribati - Niue - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Vanuatu
Total results:17