




1984 Rome Conference: Rallying for Collectivism

On the 40th anniversary of the International Conference of Fish Workers and their Supporters (ICFWS), an account of how a group of collaborators pulled off what was then a miracle.  In July 1983, amidst my job tenure in bustling Hong Kong, I received a pivotal letter from a dear friend. It...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC): The Right to Food

Small-scale fisheries play an indispensable role in combating poverty, enhancing food security and promoting the sustainable use of marine and inland waters the world over. This year is the tenth anniversary of a monumental achievement for small-scale fishing communities and Indigenous Peoples. A decade ago, fisherfolk and civil society organizations united...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers ICSF

West Africa: Broadcast Reform

A network of trainers and community radio broadcasters has been working hard to disseminate SSF Guidelines in West Africa, relying on local media and grassroots initiatives. The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (the SSF Guidelines) is an international framework adopted...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Policy brief: Fisheries other effective area-based conservation measures

Area-based management measures by any sector can deliver outcomes that collectively align with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) Strategy on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Food Production Sectors....
2024 - FAO

WorldFish Director General Essam Yassin Mohammed Talks Blue Economy

WorldFish Director-General, Essam Yassin Mohammed, recently appeared on the Victorian Hour, ABC Radio Australia, sharing insights on how the Blue Economy must benefit fishing communities in the Global South. In the radio interview, he spoke about how it is imperative that blue economy initiatives benefit fishing communities in developing and small island...
2024 - Victorian Hour, ABC Radio Australia

National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries: Leaving No One Behind

The National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries help implement the SSF Guidelines at the country level, factoring in varying national and regional legal and policy frameworks. No matter where in the world, small-scale fisheries (SSF) represent a critical source of food security, nutrition and livelihoods for coastal and riverine communities....
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Japan: A Living Proof of the ‘Life Above Water’

The Japanese tenure rights system is primarily responsible for the sustainability of small-scale fisheries. The TBTI Global Book Series, Life Above Water (Jentoft 2019), has resonated with the public and received a great response in Japan. In a remarkable display of collaboration, dozens of researchers, government officials, and fishers have worked...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Газетная статья
Local Perspectives on Agrosilvofishery in Peatlands

A Case Study of Perigi Village, South Sumatra, Indonesia
As the need for sustainable use peatlands increases, the aim of this study is to identify ways to increase the application of agrosilvofishery as an alternative to the traditional sonor system. Herein, the researchers investigate the perception of peatland degradation and the willingness to participate in agrosilvofishery among peatland residents....

Vietnam: From Fair to Good

Millions have found livelihood due to co-management practices that protect aquatic resources, contributing to the sustainable development of small-scale fisheries in Vietnam.  Vietnam’s 3,260-km coastline spans 28 provinces and cities, supporting thousands of fishing villages and millions of families. About five million people work in the fisheries sector, directly or indirectly,...
Viet Nam
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

India: Unrecognized Tenure

The absence of tenure security threatens the traditional livelihoods of the fixed bag-net fishworkers in India’s eastern state of West Bengal. Conflicts over use of natural resources are common in coastal areas globally. Fluid environmental frontiers, historical marginalization of fisher communities, and overlapping tenure systems coded in formal law or customary...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Bangladesh: A Perpetual Struggle

The shocks from climate change have reduced incomes and adversely affected the livelihoods of fisher communities in Bangladesh
Often called the Land of Rivers, Bangladesh boasts a remarkable riverine landscape that has nurtured a flourishing fisheries sector. With about 230 rivers crisscrossing it, the country is one of the world’s largest deltas along with the world’s largest flooded wetland. The fisheries industry is a vital pillarof the national...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Газетная статья
Exploring climate change impacts on rural livelihoods and adaptation strategies: Reflections from marginalized communities in India

Climate change and variability affect virtually everyone and every region of the world but the effects are nowhere more prominent than among rural marginalized communities that rely heavily on agriculture and fishing for a living and they face numerous livelihood challenges including risk posed by variability of climate. Using phenomenological...

Sri Lanka: Fishing in a Fuzzy Era

The past 75 years in Sri Lanka have seen a shift in tenure rights in small-scale fisheries, heralding a new era.  Tenure rights have a strong influence on access, use, management and conservation of aquatic resources. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines tenure rights in fishing...
Sri Lanka
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Indonesia: A Top-Down Mirage

The Indonesian government’s increasing focus on the Blue Economy should not be at the cost of the knowledge gained from long years of customary or traditional management, says Susan Gui of the conservation NGO KIARA
On KIARA’s current work KIARA still does advocacy. The Indonesian government is focusing on the Blue Economy, with emphasis on massive expansion of production from marine resources, affecting the community. We have also been working on the climate crisis, especially as it relates to the sinking and drowning villages in...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Agreement on Port State Measures

This course conceptualizes illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and explores the international responsibilities of flag, coastal and port States in carry out effective measures to combat it. It also details the Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA), which is the first internationally binding instrument focused on preventing, deterring and...
2024 - FAO

Vietnam: Adapt and Reap Rewards

By promoting gender equality in shrimp farming, some provinces of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta are finding innovations for adapting to climate change
Vietnam’s largest deltaic region, the Mekong Delta offers great potential for rice production and aquaculture. With an area of 747,000 hectares in 2022, it is the country’s largest shrimp-producing area. The shrimp-rice area covers nearly 190,000 hectares, accounting for 26.8 per cent of the total shrimp farming area in the...
Viet Nam
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Japan: Old Values, New Challenges

Associations of fisheries co-operatives have a great past in protecting and supporting Japan’s fishers and fishing communities. They are now preparing for the future
Every corner along Japan’s long coast has a fishing port. Where there are fishing ports, there are fishing communities working diverse small-scale and coastal fisheries daily. Its beautiful coastal landscape is Japan’s identity. It is no exaggeration to say that the Fisheries Co-operative Association (FCA) system has supported such an...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

China: At a Loss

As small-scale fishers in China increasingly lose the sea areas that have supported their livelihood, it is necessary to protect fishery tenure rights. The Blue Economy has contributed to the economic development in China in the past decades. This has also resulted in over-exploitation of marine resources and damage to the...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Peru: We are artisanal fishers, not criminals

The small-scale fishers of a famous beach in Peru defend the ecosystem and its biodiversity through responsible and sustainable selective fishing
I am a small-scale fisherman working the beach of Bujama Baja. It lies in Mala district of the Canete province in Peru’s Lima department. I have been plying my trade for 34 years, fully engaged in the only livelihood I was given by God: the sea. I am registered with...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Ríos resilientes: Gestión basada en cuencas hidrográficas de los bosques, el agua dulce y la pesca continental

Este curso, que se centra en los sistemas de agua dulce, inspira a administradores, científicos y miembros de la comunidad a trabajar con diferentes disciplinas y cuencas hidrográficas. El curso enseña a los alumnos a comprender y gestionar las cuencas hidrográficas, así como a hacer un seguimiento de las mismas,...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:1571