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News Archive

Bolivia symposium: the work of Codex in food safety
21 Oct 2016
In order to strengthen the Codex Alimentarius work in Bolivia, the Bolivian Codex Commitee (CNCA) organized a 2 day symposium involving country authorities, food producers, laboratory experts, exporters, universities, consumers and the Chair of Codex Alimentarius Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet. The symposium demonstrated the work of Codex in Food Safety. First [...]
Committee on veterinary drugs begins in Houston
16 Oct 2016
The Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF) began work in 1986 hosted by the USA.  CCRVDF determines priorities for the consideration of residues of veterinary drugs in foods and recommends maximum levels (known as MLs) of such substances. The committee also develops codes of practice and considers methods [...]
World Food Week 10-16 October 2016
10 Oct 2016
WORLD FOOD DAY FAO celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October to commemorate the founding of the Organization in 1945. Events are organized in over 150 countries across the world, making it one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. These events promote worldwide awareness and action [...]
Keeping food safe - FAO collaboration with CiBi
6 Oct 2016
In September 2016 the Italian magazine CiBi published an edited version of this article as part of an ongoing collaboration between FAO and CiBi. The CiBi articles aim to raise awareness with the magazine's readership about the different areas of work in FAO. St Anthony's Fire In the Middle Ages a type [...]
First meeting of Codex European Committee in Central Asia
2 Oct 2016
The FAO/WHO RCCs provide an incredibly important opportunity for dynamic discussion on major and emerging food safety and quality issues facing the region. There are six Codex regions each represented by a joint FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC).They meet every two years. Each committee is responsible for defining the problems and [...]
User manuals for online commenting system published
27 Sep 2016
The Online Commenting System (OCS) is a new way for Codex members and observers to provide input during the standard setting process. The Codex OCS uses the Please Review software by PleaseTech All users of the OCS, including Codex members and observers can now download the updated OCS user manual, available in [...]
Ten years of integrated food law in India
23 Sep 2016
The second of the Joint FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committees (CCASIA) meets 26-30 September in New Delhi India. Each committee is responsible for defining the problems and needs of the region concerning food standards and food control. By working collectively at the regional level countries are able to highlight regulatory issues [...]
At UN, global leaders commit to act on antimicrobial resistance
21 Sep 2016
OPGA/WHO/FAO/OIE Joint News Release Collective effort to address a challenge to health, food security, and development 21 September 2016, New York – World leaders today signalled an unprecedented level of attention to curb the spread of infections that are resistant to antimicrobial medicines. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) happens when bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi [...]