Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Técnicas agrícolas

Informes y resúmenes

Innovative Pastoralism

‘“Business as usual” is no longer an option for a food-secure future. Pastoralism can be an innovative system: a time-tested, undervalued alternative to high-input and resource-intensive farming, and a valuable lesson for the much needed evolution towards ‘farming with nature’, with largely-untapped...

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Informes y resúmenes

Realizing the potential of digitalization to improve the agri-food system: Proposing a new International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture. A concept note

The global agri-food system continues to face considerable challenges in being able to provide enough food of adequate quality to feed an ever-growing, aging, and migrating population. The world is also changing at a fast pace with the emergence of an array of technologies. Digital technologies...

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Publicaciones emblemáticas de la FAO

Estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2019 - Progresos en la lucha contra la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimento

Esta nueva edición del informe tiene un enfoque específico en las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos, y proporciona nuevas estimaciones de las pérdidas de alimentos a nivel mundial desde la cosecha hasta, aunque excluyéndolo, el nivel minorista. El informe, destinado responsables políticos...

Informes y resúmenes

Disaster risk reduction at farm level: Multiple benefits, no regrets

This report presents the findings of a multi-year FAO study undertaken on over 900 farms in ten different countries that measured, using field data, benefits gained through the use of innovative farming practices designed to boost the resilience of farmers in the face of natural disasters and other...

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Hacia la creación de un Consejo Digital Internacional para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

El Consejo Digital asesorará a los gobiernos y otros actores relevantes sobre la digitalización en el sector agrícola, impulsando el intercambio de ideas y experiencias y, por tanto, ayudando a todo el mundo a aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece la digitalización.

Informes y resúmenes

Digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas

This report aims to identify the different scenarios where the process of digital transformation is taking place in agriculture. This identifies those aspects of basic conditions, such as those of infrastructure and networks, affordability, education and institutional support. In addition, enablers...

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