Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Member profile

Dr. Sarada Prasad Mohapatra

Organization: CSAYN & Narasingh Choudhury Autonomous College Jajpur , Odisha, India
Country: India
I am working on:

Associate Professor in Botany & Environmental Sciences at Narasingh Choudhury Autonomous College, Jajpur, Odisha, India, UN Food System Hero, an Independent Dialogue Convener of UNFSS from India, full member of CFN(Committee on Food and Nutrition) of FAO, UN and a researcher of Climate Change, Agriculture, Gender equality, AI, Biodiversity, Mitigation of Marine Pollution, Bioremediation. An awardee of “Best Researcher in Botany” by IMRF, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand in 2019.

I am an Academician and Researcher working as Associate Prof and Head, Post Graduate Department of Botany and Environmental Science,  Narasingh Choudhury Autonomous College, Jajpur, Odisha, India having 23 years of teaching and research experience, have published 36 articles, 10 books and 3 Patents till date. I am also  acting as Executive Board Member of UN Accredited Organization  CSAYN- climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network,  also Member of Committee on World Food Security,  FAO, UN and only Independent Dialogues Convener from India as Academia of UNFSS- United Nations Food System Summit,  visited 9countries till date, received 27 Awards, Research Collaboration with scientists from 4 Countries,  only Indian from Academia to attend WFC- World Forestry Congress at South Korea in 2022, under my supervision my Institution I.e Narasingh Choudhury Autonomous College Jajpur Odisha is the only institute from India is selected as a part of NPA- Nature Positive Alliance of UNEP and University of Oxford,  UK in 2023.

This member contributed to:

    • In my opinion, the major barrier for the scientists and other knowledge holders across the Globe towards a sustainable agrifood system is "Patent". As most of the Inventions/Research/Technologies related to the field of Climate Change/Agriculture are patented, proper knowledge transfer and capacity building can't be fulfilled. I also strongly appeal for the Networking of all Scientists/Researchers/Agripreneurs/Traditional people on a common forum to be prepared by FAO, UN so that everyone(top to bottom) can get proper innovative knowledge and the main purpose of dissemination of talent will occur and it will definitely boost the agrifood system in a positive way.

      Another point I would like to highlight here is to include the Student Scientists across the Globe who have innovative ideas through a network to be developed by FAO, UN so that we can strengthen our young generations with full of knowledge and they can also be a part of this agrifood system and can share their contributions for sustainable future.


      Dr. Sarada Prasad Mohapatra

      Associate Prof in Botany & Environmental Science

      Narasingh Choudhury Autonomous College, Jajpur, Odisha, India

    • In my opinion more focus should be concentrated on: 

      1. Providing Climate Smart Agriculture Technology at minimal cost to the young agripreneurs to motivate them to carry on their projects.

      2. For a sustainable agroecological system, focus should be concentrated on traditional agricultural practices done by tribals/ethnic groups and finance should be provided to them so that they will not migrate to other places in search of food/shelter.

      3. Tribal agroecosystem and forest ecosystem should be should be conserved and promoted by modern technology with proper training to these groups so that Biodiversity Conservation will be carried out on real sense.

      4. At the Government level more number of Agriclinics to be operated and with digital transformation each one involved in agribusiness should be aware about this, which will definitely lead to a successful Sustained Agroecosystem.

      5. More findings to be given to women self help groups who are involved in agribusiness and their products must be labeled with the name tag of the women group with QR code, mentioning details of their area and modes of operation so that the business can be taken to the international level.

    • My views on 3.2 & 3.6

      1. The time and energy devoted by women in the food security process is not yet rightly evaluated internationally as the day of women begins in the kitchen and ends in kitchen and the rest also devoted in the agricultural field, but all efforts are neglected due to their silent voice. So I appeal to the international community to evaluate their efforts.
      2. More focus should be on 3E (Education, Ecology and Economics) as a lack of proper education and less access to ecology will lead to a degraded economy. So for zero hunger 3E should be given priority.
      3. The youth (men, women & PLD (people living with disabilities) needs to be updated with advanced technologies so as to improve the agricultural production through Climate Smart Agriculture, as climate change now becomes a big threat to farming and related a tivities. So I appeal before international communities to focus on PFT (Patent Free Technology) across the globe in agriculture and climate change sector so that poor youth engaged in farming and food security process will get proper knowledge to combat climate change.
      4. If we really want to empower women involved in the agriculture sector, then in my opinion the products of agricultural farms run by women, should be labeled with the name and place of that women before marketing globally.