全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


The State of Food and Agriculture 2017

Today, the 2017 edition of the State of Food and Agriculture has been released. This year, the theme of the report is “Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation”.

The new report looks at how population growth, increasing urbanization, technologies, and climate change are transforming rural and urban areas, and how the world’s food systems are evolving. The report concludes that fulfilling the 2030 Agenda depends crucially on progress in rural areas, which is where most of the poor and hungry live today, and outlines a strategy for how agriculture and rural economies in developing countries can provide prosperity.  

Please visit the following website to download the report and additional material one of the six UN languages:





Webinar: Women's Economic Empowerment in Agriculture

The Global Donor Platform invites you to a webinar on the topic of Women's Economic Empowerment in Agriculture, featuring presentations by Global Affairs Canada, FAO, EC and Gender and Rural Livelihoods Specialist Clare Bishop. The webinar will take place on 13 September 15:00 CEST.

The event will provide an opportunity to discuss donor strategies that contribute to accelerating women's empowerment and share instruments that support gender transformative agendas. 

The language used will be English.

The following items will be discussed:

  1. Opportunities for the gender transformative agenda 

    Women's Economic Empowerment and Agribusiness (a Global Donor Platform study)
  2. Donor developments: a feminist approach to international assistance

    Canada's new international assistance policy 
  3. Insights 

    Reflection on the prior discussants approaches using insights from the experience of FAO

To join the webinar, please follow the steps below: 

  1.  Please click on the following link: http://bit.ly/2xxwyur
  2. If required, click on “run a temporary application”
  3. If requested, enter your first and last name and email address.
  4. If required, enter the meeting password: 1111
  5. Click "Join"

迁移与持久危机 - 解决根本原因并建立具有抵御力的农业生计



智慧农业在APEC经济体的发展现状 - 智慧农业及其在减缓贫困和粮食安全中的潜在价值

本文件对2016年11月9-30日期间在粮农组织全球粮食安全与营养论坛(FSN论坛)上举办的题为 “亚 太经合组织经济体及其他地方信息技术在农业领域的应用——智慧农业在减贫和粮食安全方面的潜力”的 在线讨论会进行了概要总结。本次讨论会是在11月24-25日在中国银川召开的“亚太经合组织智慧农业研 讨会”的背景下组织举办的,由中国农业科学院农业信息所周国民主持。 本次讨论会的目的是探讨信息通讯技术(ICTs)在农业领域的应用能够以何种方式促进减贫和提高粮 食安全,讨论全面应用信息通讯技术促进农业发展所面临的具体挑战和瓶颈问题——这一方法在中国称 之为“智慧农业”。此外...


智慧农业在APEC经济体的发展现状 智慧农业及其在减缓贫困和粮食安全中的潜在价值

智慧农业是指信息技术在农业中充分广泛的应用。 信息技术为提高粮食产量和质量,增加农民的经济收入,提高粮食安全和营养方面带来了巨大潜力。实现这些目标的瓶颈和挑战有哪些?


