全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



青年 —— 养育未来 应对15至17岁农村青年在准备和获得体面工作方面面临的挑战

农村青年代表着粮食安全和农村减贫的未来。但发展中国家的农村青年在准备和获得体面工作(包括农业领域的工作)方面面临着巨大挑战。对18岁以下的青年来说这些挑战更为艰巨。 本在线磋商邀请各位帮助寻找应对这些挑战的解决方案。今年晚些时候粮农组织将召开题为“青年——养育未来:应对15至17岁农村青年在准备和获得体面工作方面面临的挑战”的国际专家会议,该会议将提出有关政策和计划建议,而各位的意见将被纳入考量。


FSN Forum seminar on “How to end hunger in times of crises”

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) organized a seminar on a recently published book entitled: How to end hunger in times of crises. Let’s start now! inviting FSN Forum members in Rome and interested FAO staff to join a discussion with the two authors, Andrew MacMillan and Ignacio Trueba.


FSN Forum seminar on “Ending Hunger Worldwide”

The FSN Forum held its first “live”event on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10th of December 2010, inviting Romebased members and friends to a presentation and discussion with George Kent, Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawai’i and active member of the FSN Forum.


FSN Forum seminar on “Street Food. Culture, Economy, Health and Governance”

The FSN Forum hosted a presentation of the book “Street Food. Culture, Economy, Health and Governance” in FAO, 9 December 2014. This book provides a comprehensive perspective on street food, on its immense cultural diversity and economic significance both in developing and developed countries.

Offre d'emploi - Livelihoods Coordinator (en anglais)

Location: Niger

Contract: 12 Months

Languages: Must be fluent in French and English

Since the food crises of 2005, GOAL has continuously supported the population of Mirriah district in Zinder Region through the implementation of community-based programmes mainly in the fields of nutrition, food security and WASH (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation).   

The Livelihoods Coordinator takes overall responsibility for the implementation of the livelihoods programme in GOAL Niger while providing strategic direction, leadership and management of the programme. In the past, GOAL has implemented livelihoods projects in food for work, livestock management, cash transfer and back yard gardening. In addition to its past projects, GOAL has added a component of VSLA to enable communities to have access to financial services without resulting to negative coping mechanism. The LHP Coordinator is responsible for rolling out this this pilot project while ensuring that the other components are implemented as planned.

For more information please log on to http://www.goal.ie/Vacancies/91


世界粮食不安全状况 2015 (SOFI)

实现2015年饥饿相关国际目标:进展不一 今年的《世界粮食不安全状况》报告旨在回顾在实现与饥饿相关的千年发展目标1和世界粮食首脑会议相关国际目标方面取得的进展,并思考在我们朝着新的 “2015年后可持续发展议程”过渡的过程中应该采取哪些行动。报告将回顾各国、各区域以及全球层面1990年以来取得的进展。评估在实现千年发展目标1 上的相关进展时,不仅要衡量食物不足或饥饿相关数据,还要衡量另一项指标,即五岁以下儿童体重不足发生率。报告对不同区域、不同时期在两项指标上取得的进 展进行比较,以揭示粮食安全问题的复杂性。虽然整体已取得进展,但要消除饥饿和全方位实现粮食安全,摆在面前的工作依然很多。...


2015年粮食及农业状况 (SOFA)

社会保护与农业:打破农村贫困恶性循环 “千年发展目标”中有关减轻贫困 的目标已在多个国家实现,但仍有很多国 家进展滞后,而2015年后面临的挑战将 是彻底消除贫困和饥饿。很多发展中国家 正日益认识到,要采取社会保护措施,及 时帮助贫困人口摆脱贫困,同时防止其他 人在危机来袭时陷入贫困。 本版《 粮食及农业状况 2015 》指出,当社 会保护措施与更广义的农业及农村发展 措施相互结合时,它将有助于打破农村贫 困和脆弱性的恶性循环。 下载宣传册 下载出版物的完整版 电子书 见《粮农及农业状况》专集 参阅新闻稿