
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
Students at the Senkadagala school for children with disabilities begin their scheduled lessons after working in the school garden. The Senkadagala school is one of 400 in Sri Lanka where FAO has implemented the Entrepreneurial School Garden programme.
Skills from the Soil Doctors Programme are helping champion farmers to assist other farmers in practicing sustainable soil management.
Combining theory and practice, the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics, led by FAO, is offering scholarships to train the next generation of agricultural statisticians. 
As a member of the Samandağ women’s cooperative, Çiğdem Kudret produces a range of local specialties to sell at local markets and online. Cooperatives in Türkiye, supported by FAO, are promoting women’s entrepreneurship and economic self-sufficiency. 

Agrifood systems are a major employer of women globally and constitute ...


Long-standing negative social norms can perpetuate Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) as certain harmful practices can result in the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV). Early marriage and economic violence are two forms of GBV that are very common in rural farming communities in Sy...

Soon after sunrise in Rwanda’s Ngoma District, Vestine and Jean-Claude walk from their home to their garden, holding hoes in their hands. The married couple work efficiently – and happily – side-by-side, tending to their beans and maize crops. It's a renewed partnership and a product of the Joint Programme on Rural Women's Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE) programme approach.
FAO trained internally displaced women in northeast Nigeria to process and promote Tom Brown, a highly nutritious powder used for porridge. The powder is made from locally sourced ingredients such as fish, millet, soybeans and groundnuts.

With a lifelong drive toward philanthropy and an academic background in economics, Solongo Ganbold found her way to microbiology later in life, as she helped her mother on her PHD research. It was honeybee venom (apitoxin) that captured her interest for its potential in treating patients with ...

Shaodatkhon Oripova is participating in the FAO Smart Farming for the Future Generations project and the Digital Villages Initiative that aims to transform at least 1 000 villages around the world into digital hubs. 
Fatema took advantage of an FAO project that taught her to weave the wire mesh holding together the stones that protect her ancient village from flash floods and soil erosion.

On a largely barren piece of land in Puttalam, Susila Kanthi’s house borders an extensive salt production factory on one side and vast lagoon on the other. Every Saturday evening, Kanthi gathers her net and oar and sets out to fish on the Puttalam lagoon. She returns home only the next morning...


It was 2022, and Bipana Bishwakarma’s husband, Bishal, had recently lost his job working in an aluminium factory in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic. While he looked for work, first returning to their village and then going back to Malaysia, Bipana started contemplating ways that she too ...

All over the world, women encounter many forms of gender-based violence. Early marriage is one of these forms, taking away a girl’s opportunity for education and gaining skills to be independent.

Members of the Meta Food Supply Network (La Red Meta) – Felicita Valderrama, Sergio León, Lilia Vásquez, and Graciela Rojas – showcase their locally sourced products at a bustling market. La Red Meta's efforts have not only empowered women and youth in the region but have also significantly elevated the overall quality of life for farming families. 

FAO works with rural women in Uzbekistan, training them to better manage forest resources, understand their rights and opportunities in the forest sector and diversify their income generating activities 
Once afraid of bees, Gulhayo Khaydarova is now an expert beekeeper, known locally for the quality honey she extracts.

Once again, it hasn’t rained enough in the monsoon season in Bihar, an eastern state of India. The wells have gone dry, and 27-year-old Pudi Soren has to travel to the riverside to grow crops, such as chickpeas and rice, that provide necessary calories and sustenance in the winter months.

Thanks to the project, many rural women in Deir al-Ahmar are now becoming entrepreneurs and active members of the association.
It hasn’t been easy for the Pioneers to gather and control the tree’s bounty.