
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
For Mariah, the foods of her Indigenous ancestors are rich in creative possibilities.
The gender equality components of the FFS aimed to promote discussion between men and women by addressing themes such as self-esteem, leadership and communication.
The objectives of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programmes are to provide support rural women in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and other countries of mutual interest.
AgrInvest-FS in partnership with Nyamira County Government is supporting the women-based organization to achieve consistent supply by ensuring there is adequate planning of production schedules and good agronomic practices.
"It is tasty and full of health benefits, especially in these times of crisis," says Fehria, a timid, middle-aged farmer from Cap-Bon, as she cuts the stalks off oranges.
Through an FAO Emergency Programme, groups of women are getting nutrition education, empowering them to make dietary changes for themselves and their families.
Tuka is just one of dozens of micro-scale entrepreneurs who benefited from the trainings, offered both to Syrians and members of the Turkish host communities in Izmir, Bursa and Şanlıurfa.
About 70 percent of the fish traders are women in the subsector employing over 63 000 fishers and 500 000 people in various value chain activities.
Women in the formal sector received economic assistance in the form of tax, rent and debt-relief, but little support was provided to those in informal working positions and in agricultural settings.
The essential role women contribute in small-scale is crucial but often overlooked.
Access to water has relieved the women of the burden of collecting water far from their homes, and has increased farms production.
Family farming has deep roots in rural Indonesian life, but Nissa’s struggles to maintain those traditions demonstrate the threats family farmers regularly face.
The SWM Programme developed gender-sensitive indicators to track progress and ensure that activities will benefit women and men equally.
By coming together and forming cooperatives, smallholder farmers have found it easier to earn organic certifications, invest in new production techniques and sign contracts with companies and traders.
The project combined theoretical and practical training in proven agricultural techniques used to grow peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant.
With the desire to improve their practices and businesses, Tahmina, Jalal and Isa have all been in touch with FAO, participating in various projects throughout the country.
Farmers organizations have improved entrepreneurial skills and financial management skills for farmers
“We used to struggle looking for seeds, and we couldn't get them, but now we have saved a stock,” says Anita.
Naomi also opened her eyes to a career in agriculture and says coming back home was the best decision she ever made.
Due to their local knowledge of sustainable natural resource management and practices at the household and community levels, women, in particular, play essential roles in responding to climate-related challenges and shocks.