FAO in Geneva

"Seeds of Identity" Exhibition


The Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN in Geneva, with the support of FAO, is organizing a photography exhibition entitled "Seeds of Identity" in the heart of the Palais des Nations, from 1 to 16 December 2016, with a view to sensitize the Geneva community to the importance of seeds and soils for the global food and nutrition security. The opening took place on 2 December 2016, with the presence of the UNOG Director-General, the Ambassador of Mexico in Geneva, and the Officer-in-Charge of FAO Geneva.  

As part of the opening remarks, Sandra Aviles, FAO Geneva Officer-in-Charge, noted that seeds are a very special theme for FAO as they are fundamental for the global food and nutrition security: "We need seeds to produce quality food." She added that the global population is growing and expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. To meet such a demand, food systems will need to become 60% more productive but also more sustainable and resilient to climate change. "High quality resistant seeds will be key in this regard". She also stressed that in a context of intensive consumption of limited natural resources and climate change, there is the need to adopt efficient measures to grow food sustainably: "This means adopting practices that produce more with less in the same area of land and using natural resources wisely".  

Furthermore, Ms. Aviles mentioned in Spanish the close links between seeds and soils, as well as the 2015 International Year of Soils: "Las semillas están estrechamente vinculadas a los suelos. En el 2015, la Asamblea General del ONU proclamó el "Año Internacional de los Suelos", cuya campaña mundial fue coordinada por la FAO. Los suelos son un recurso clave para el bienestar humano, un aliado crucial para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición y un elemento fundamental en el desarrollo sostenible para todos. Con suelos saludables podemos producir productos agrícolas nutritivos y variados. Los suelos tienen la capacidad de almacenar y por lo tanto son esenciales para la adaptacion al cambio climático, jugando un papel clave en el ciclo del carbono. Pero los suelos son un bien público limitado y vulnerable y actualmente, el 33% de los suelos en todo el mundo se enfrentan a una degradación moderada o grave."

More information: Silvano Sofia, [email protected]