FAO საქართველოში

FAO conducts public lectures on Animal Identification-Registration in a “Green Camp.”


Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in cooperation with the Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN), provided a cycle of public lectures on the Animal Identification-Registration Program (NAITS) and food safety issues at the Bulachauri “Green Camp.”

The audience of 8th to 12th grade students from across the country had the chance to learn about the NAITS system implementation and about how animal vaccination affects human lives. Since 2012, the NAITS program has been implemented by the National Food Agency (NFA) and FAO with financial support from the Swiss Development (SDC) and Austrian Development (ADA) agencies.

The interactive lectures covered topics related to the identification, traceability, food safety chine from farm to fork, as well as zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis, anthrax and tuberculosis, including their effects on humans and their prevention. Additionally, students had the opportunity to observe the identification and vaccination process in the field.

CENN organized the camp within the frameworks of the projects “Water for the Poor” and “Georgia Community WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Initiative.” The main objectives of these projects are to promote health care and suitable living conditions for socially vulnerable communities, to prevent discrimination, to provide access to water, and to establish WASH standards by engaging their respective stakeholders. The project, “Water for the Poor” is implemented by CENN and financially supported by the EU. The Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) has held Green Camps for ten years, educating over 5 000 students.