General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Thematic sessions | Workshops | Side events | Posters

Side events

Side event 1 - Launch of the State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries (SoMFi 2018)

  • State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries by Miguel Bernal (GFCM Secretariat)

Side event 4 - Implementation of The Ecosystem Approach at the Regional Level for the Coordinated Achievement of the Targets of SDG 14

Side event 5 - The ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative (ASI), preliminary results and identification of cetaceans/fisheries interactions areas

Side event 6 - Ocean noise impacts on fisheries in the context of SDG14

Side event 7 - Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fishery Bodies: Global Platform for Regional-Scale Collaboration and Coordination

Side event 8 - Research and innovation initiative fro blue jobs and growth in the Mediterranean area

  • The BLUEMED Initiative and the role of the BLUEMED Coordination and Support Action by Marta Iglesias, Alessandra Sensi (DGRTD, UfM Secretariat)
  • Fisheries and aquaculture in the three main pillars of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) by Angelo Bonanno, Marta Cappelletto (CNR -  Italy)
  • The extension to non EU UfM countries – sharing the BLUEMED SRIA by Marta Iglesias, Giuseppe Provenzano (DGRTD, UfM Secretariat)
  • EU findings on fisheries science gaps and examples of recently launched projects and initiatives, including Horizon Europe by Marta Iglesias (DGRTD)

Side event 9 -