GIAHS - 全球重要农业文化遗产
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)今天参与由摩洛哥主办的高级别线上活动,庆祝首个联合国国际阿甘树日。庆祝活动宣传阿甘树对保护生物多样性,创造生计的重要作用。 粮农组织副总干事玛丽亚·海伦娜·赛梅朵称赞本次活动对于摩洛哥以及非洲干旱地区而言,是大力宣传阿甘树突出贡献的"一次良机"。
©Añana Salt Valley Foundation
Valle Salado is located in the town of Salinas de Añana (Alava, Basque Country), approximately 30 km from the capital city, in northern Spain. It is crossed by two small rivers which join at the centre of the valley and sits on a giant salt bubble from a sea that disappeared millions of years ago. Thanks to the existence of a geological phenomenon called Diapir and to the injection of fresh...
CC Creative Commons
“The smell of toasted argan kernels takes me back to my childhood, when at the end of the week I would sit by my grandmother and we would prepare the oil for the following week,” recalls Hafida El Hantati, vice-president of Ajddigue, a cooperative of argan-oil-producing women located close to Essaouira, Morocco. Her experience is not unique: for many people here, argan is like a childhood friend who stays with them...
  这个独特的地区种植阿甘树几个世纪了,融合了农业生物多样性、弹性的生态系统、宝贵的文化遗产。因此,它得到了各个联合国实体的承认和保护。   联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)于1988年将该地方性生产区指定为Arganeraie生物圈保护区。所有有关阿甘树的专门技能也已于2014年列入联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。   此外,2018年12月,粮农组织将摩洛哥苏阿布-曼苏尔地区基于阿甘树的农牧系统确认为全球重要的农业遗产系统。   最后,联合国大会在2021年宣布5月10日为国际阿甘树日。摩洛哥提交的这项决议获得联合国113个会员国的支持并以协商一致方式通过。
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