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Greening the future PHOTO CHALLENGE

Join the  “Greening the future” photo challenge, make a #StopSoilErosion pledge and share it on social media by 30 November 2019!

In the framework of the World Soil Day 2019, the FAO Global Soil Partnership would like to challenge children, teens, young people, and adults worldwide to cover the soil and take a step to #StopSoilErosion.

Planting local species is a fun and easy way to help the soil, fight erosion and raise awareness for WSD. 

Download and print out the flyer and the pledge card (on the back cover): Greening the future photo challenge's flyer


How to take part into the GREENING THE FUTURE PHOTO CHALLENGE in 5 easy steps :

  1. Print out the ‘pledge card (on the back cover of the 'Greening the future photo challenge's flyer)

  1. Go round your neighborhood and choose a suitable location that might lack vegetation and pop the seed or seedling in the soil

  1. Take a photo or selfie holding the ‘pledge card in your hands 

  1. Share your photo on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) using the hashtags: #StopSoilErosion and #WorldSoilDay  

  1. Send your photo (in high-quality) to [email protected] with a short description (200 words max) illustrating how your action is fighting erosion by 30 NOvember 2019. 

Do not forget to share your details! a. Full Name and/or institution; b. Country of origin and location; c. Link to the social media post; d. Copyright of the photo and permission to use it. 

The best photos will be shared on FAO/GSP official digital and social channels and the top 5 individuals or groups whose photos receive the most likes will receive a surprise gift bag and a certificate of recognition. 

Download and print out the flyer and the pledge card (on the back cover): Greening the future photo challenge's flyer

Spread the word and contribute to the success of WSD 2019!