Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Logo du WSD et futurs thèmes approuvés

Au cours de la deuxième assemblée plénière du GSP, les membres ont approuvé que l'Assemblée plénière du GSP sera le lieu de décision relatif aux thèmes des Journées mondiales des sols (coordination et mise en œuvre des principaux événements). Celle-ci devra être tenue régulièrement au courant des futures célébrations.


De même, l'Assemblée plénière a approuvé le logo du WSD ainsi que les thèmes pour l'année 2014 et 2015 :

  • Journée mondiale des sols 2014: "Les sols, la base pour l'agriculture familiale"
  • Journée mondiale des sols 2015: "Les sols, une base solide pour la vie"

Les information et les nouvelles pertinentes concernant les préparatifs du WSD seront affichés régulièrement dans la section du WSD du site du Partenariat mondial sur les sols.

Merci de partager vos initiatives ou activités à venir concernent le WSD 2014 avec le Secrétariat.


Télécharger le logo du WSD logo : anglais | français | espagnol



IMPORTANT - Logo guidelines

Who can use the WSD visual identity

The WSD logo may be used by individuals and NGOs/not-for-profit organizations for any promotional activities aimed at increasing awareness of the World Soil Day, provided that these activities are consistent with the aims and principles of the WSD and not contrary to public order, morals or human rights.

All organizations that intend to use the WSD visual identity for fundraising activities must receive prior approval from the GSP Secretariat.

Uses of the logo

The WSD logo can be used by organizations or individuals who support the WSD goals and would like to help raise awareness of WSD.

The logo is intended for two kinds of promotional use: information and fundraising, as outlined below.

The IYS 2015 logo can be used by organizations or individuals who support the WSD goals and would like to help raise awareness of WSD.

The logo is intended for two kinds of promotional use: information and fundraising, as outlined below.

Information uses of the logo

Information uses of the logo are those which are:

  • primarily illustrative
  • not intended to raise funds
  • not carried out by a commercial for-profit entity

Fundraising uses of the logo

Fundraising uses of the logo are those intended to raise money to pay for activities related to sustainable soil management. They may only be undertaken by non-commercial
not-for-profit entities. Permission to use the logo for fundraising purposes is given by the GSP Secretariat.

When requesting permission, please provide:

  • a short statement of identity and general information regarding membership and objectives
  • an explanation of how and where the logo will be used
  • an explanation of the fundraising purposes

Before the logo is used for fundraising purposes, a waiver must be signed by the entity that is requesting to use the logo. Please write to the GSP Secretariat.