Sustainable management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME)


L’atelier de démarrage du projet “Protection du Grand Ecosystème Marin du Courant des Canaries” (CCLME) s’est tenu à Dakar, Sénégal, du 2 au 3 Novembre 2010. Un total de 66 représentants des 7 pays participants, donateurs, partenaires et autres parties prenantes ont assisté à l’atelier.


The "Protection of the Large Marine Ecosystem of the Canary Current" (CCLM E) project has been up and running for almost 4 months.


Les objectifs de l’atelier sont les suivants : - présenter les résultats de l’étude ; - améliorer ces résultats et valider les travaux ; - formuler des recommandations pour améliorer les bénéfices économiques des pêcheries de mulets et de courbine de façon durable.


La majeure partie de notre planète est recouverte ou composée d’eau (océans, fleuves, lacs et nappes phréatiques). Ces masses aquatiques partagées représentent une ressource commune à l’échelle mondiale qui procure des biens et services écosystémiques précieux et soutiennent la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d’existence de milliards d’êtres humains.


This work is part of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities. Its aim is to prevent the degradation of the marine and coastal environment due to land-based activities in Guinea. This programme will help the country to fulfil its duty to preserve and protect the marine environment.


Pour capitaliser sur la dynamique et les partenariats construits lors du précédent projet CCLME, le projet proposé vise à créer des conditions favorables à la mise en œuvre effective du PAS CCLME. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le projet mettra en œuvre un ensemble d'activités dans le cadre des trois composantes.


The kick-off workshop for the ‘Protection of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem’ (CCLME) project was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 2 to 3 November 2010. A total of 66 representatives from the 7 participating countries, donors, partners and other stakeholders attended the workshop. The overall objective of the workshop was to provide information on the state of development of the project since its launch on 1 April 2010, to take into consideration the contributions of all parties involved..

Strategie de communication

The CCLME's communication and stakeholder engagement strategy is built around the achievements and lessons learnt from the development and implementation of the first communication strategy formulated during the previous phase of the CCLME, which gave a high profile to the achievements among national stakeholders and regional and international partners.

Rapport deuxième réunion du comité de pilotage du CCLME

The meeting of the steering committee of the project "Towards the Sustainable Management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) - initial support to the implementation of the Strategic Action Program (SAP)" was held on November 23 and 24, 2022 in hybrid at the hotel Le Phenix in Somone, Senegal.


The launching workshop of the project "Towards the Sustainable Management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) - initial support to the implementation of the Strategic Action Program (PAS)" was held virtually by zoom on 4 and 5 November 2021. Representatives of the 6 countries of the project (Morocco, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Cabo Verde).

CCLME SAP Landing page

The SAP is the result of a participatory process. It proposes a long-term vision and short- and medium-term priorities in order to address the degradation of the CCLME. The SAP is the result of a common recognition of the CCLME as a shared heritage. Considering that the activities of each of the riparian countries may have cross-border implications for shared resources, CCLME countries recognize their responsibility as guardians of a global resource.

CCLME SAP Landing page

The SAP is the result of a participatory process. It proposes a long-term vision and short- and medium-term priorities in order to address the degradation of the CCLME. The SAP is the result of a common recognition of the CCLME as a shared heritage. Considering that the activities of each of the riparian countries may have cross-border implications for shared resources, CCLME countries recognize their responsibility as guardians of a global resource.