Climate Change Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean Fisheries Sector


Grenada has been active in many different activities under CC4FISH.  Resilience against climate change has been reinforced at different levels in the country.

Institutional capacities received support to increase the baseline knowledge of the sector through improved management of vessel registry and collection of fisheries data. Accurate baseline data on the overall fisheries sector forms the foundation for e.g.  conducting Post-Disaster Damage and Needs Assessments, assessing climate change impacts, and Sustainable fisheries management.

Institutional management of the impacts of climate change on fisheries is being extended with the in-progress drafting of the Fisheries Management Plan for Marine Managed Areas in Grenada. A Sargassum Management Plan is also being drafted.

At tuna fishery sector level, studies have been conducted to improve economic performances of yellowfin long line fishery and to assess the ability to obtain MSC certification. This would allow for improvements in the sustainability of the resource as well as improved socio-economic benefits of the fishery throughout the value chain.

Fishers were trained in the use of ICT (GPS, Cellphone and VHF) for safety at sea and to be better informed in case of coming major weather events. The training took place both in the classroom as well as at sea. Grenada received 300 modern VHF devices.

Over 200 fishers have received Safety-at-Sea training in 2020 significantly improving the safety-at-sea of fishers in the country.

In 2019, aquaculturists from Grenada travelled to Antigua to be trained in aquaponics, an innovative approach to aquaculture combining fish rearing with hydroponics production of vegetables.

In November 2020, Fisheries & Aquaculture Response to Emergencies (FARE) Workshop was conducted with stakeholders from Division of Fisheries, NaDMA, and other NGOs.