EAF-Nansen Programme

Legal capacity building workshop on fisheries held in Côte d’Ivoire


31 May, Grand-Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire –  A workshop on legal capacity building for the fisheries sector was held in the coastal town of Grand-Bassam in Côte d’Ivoire from 15-17 May.

The workshop aimed to strengthen the capacities of technical personnel from the Côte d’Ivoire Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources (MIRAH, in its French acronym) in this West African country, where many communities depend on small-scale fisheries for their food and livelihoods. 

Experts from the FAO/GEF Coastal Fisheries Initiative, the FAO EAF-Nansen Programme and the FAO Development Law Service(LEGN) delivered training on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF), the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), and on food safety standards for fish products.