Programme FAO-UE FLEGT

Colombia steps up awareness raising efforts to improve forest governance

Colombia stepped up awareness raising efforts to improve forest governance, welcoming the EU FAO FLEGT Programme’s mission to the capital Bogotá on 10-14 February. Representatives from three government ministries – Environment and Sustainable Development; Agriculture and Rural Development; and Trade, Industry and Tourism – participated in the mission led by the EU Delegation, FAO and key stakeholders from civil society, regional public authorities and the private sector to discuss opportunities to bolster national initiatives to strengthen forest governance. During the meetings, FAO representatives reaffirmed the Organization's long-standing commitment to supporting country initiatives that improve forest governance, commending Colombia on its voluntary efforts todate to improve the management of the country’s rich forest resources.

 A few weeks after this event, the 27 of Feb, a stakeholder meeting was organized by WWF Colombia and TRAFFIC to identify Indicators for forest governance for Colombia.

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For more information:

Corporación Autónoma Regional de Risalda (CARDER), Colombia