KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience


In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, killing over 9,000 people, destroying or badly damaging more than 800,000 homes and displacing approximately 2.8 million people. Where shocks like earthquakes cannot easily be prevented, strengthening the ability to prepare, respond [...]
While the digital revolution is reaching rural areas in many developing countries, the rural digital divide continues to present considerable challenges. The problem is even more acute for women, who face a triple divide: digital, rural and gender. This publication looks [...]
In 2016-17, FAO rolled out the EWEA pilot programme in Paraguay, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Madagascar, the Pacific Islands, Sudan and Mongolia some of the countries considered high-risk for natural disasters and food insecurity. The EWEA programme supports FAO member countries [...]
As part of USAID's commitment to working with communities to strengthen their resilience, USAID has elevated resilience to an objective in the Global Food Security Strategy, prioritizing approaches that strengthen households' and communities' absorptive, adaptive, and transformative resilience capacities. To [...]
People and communities around the world are struggling to deal with the impacts of climate extremes and disasters. At the same time, international finance for supporting people’s resilience to shocks and stresses is limited. That means understanding how to effectively build resilience is [...]
Understanding and tracking resilience is key to supporting households in dealing with disasters and climate extremes. Accurate and timely information can help development actors to know what kinds of resilience-building activities to support and who best to target. Yet, current ways [...]
Development programming in fragile and conflict-affected states can present daunting challenges, not the least when trying to generate learning for adaptive programming. Settings are fluid and actors are transient, while limited access to many parts of a country hampers the [...]
How can climate risk insurance be linked with other forms of social protection to help vulnerable communities absorb climate shocks? The Challenge Developing countries are disproportionately affected by climate change. With the increased frequency of climate shocks (such as floods and storms) and [...]
This document has been prepared within the framework of the Preparedness and Resilience Working Group (PRWG) of the global food Security Cluster (gFSC) as part of its commitment to “Improve awareness-raising and ‘language building’ to increase common understanding of preparedness and resilience”.  With the [...]
In order to enhance the knowledge base on and support the uptake of good practices in climate change adaptation in the agricultural sectors, FAO will be organizing a series of webinar modules titled “Scaling-up of Adaptation in the Agricultural Sectors”. [...]
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