KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

FAO assesses that globally 39 countries are in need of external assistance for food. Persisting conflicts continue to be the dominant factor driving the high levels of severe food insecurity. Weather shocks have also adversely impacted food availability and access.
Scaling up of Adaptation in the Agricultural Sectors (SAAS) Module 1: Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in the agricultural sectors Webinar 4: Opportunities for EbA in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Date: Friday, May 25th, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST (UTC +2) Fisheries and aquaculture are important for [...]
9 May 2018 12.00-13.30 (UTC / GMT +2) To join the webinar please click here.  The Fall Armyworm (FAW), an insect pest native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, was first detected in West and Central Africa in early [...]
Fall armyworm monitoring and early warning system (FAMEWS)
Fall Armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda), is an insect pest of more than 80 plant species, causing damage to economically important cultivated cereals such as maize, rice, sorghum, and also to vegetable crops and cotton. It is the larval stage of the [...]
April – June 2018
The quarterly Early Warning Early Action report on food security and agriculture monitors situations at risk for potential disasters and adverse impacts on food security and agriculture. Risks are categorized according to their potential consequence as either “high risk” or “on watch” so [...]