KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Call for papers
As an activity of the gFSC Preparedness and Resilience Working Group (PRWG) 2017 work plan, the group would like to call for your support for the best practice guide on preparedness and resilience-building activities in humanitarian food security interventions. As a way to consolidate, learn [...]
Building resilience through dialogue and negotiation in a contested area between Sudan and South Sudan
The Abyei Administrative Area (AAA) is a contested zone located on the central border between South Sudan and Sudan. Its status has remained unresolved since South Sudan seceded from Sudan in 2011, and the governments failed to agree on the [...]
Supporting vulnerable and resource-poor livestock keepers in tsetse-infested areas in sub-Saharan Africa
Tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis is a lethal parasitic disease of humans and livestock. The disease severely limits mixed livestock–crop agriculture in over 10 million km2 of highly productive land in sub-Saharan Africa. Direct and indirect losses due to trypanosomosis are estimated in [...]
  TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meeting on July 19-20, 2017 in Washington, DC At TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meetings, the connections you make are as substantial as the knowledge you gain. Every session you attend, from energizing plenaries to intimate lunch tables, [...]
Preliminary findings
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is conducting a comprehensive study across regions to assess the benefit from applying disaster risk reduction (DRR) good practices in agriculture. The study identify practices that help to reduce the [...]