KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Webinar series | Nutrition in a Digital World

©FAO/Lekha Edirisinghe

A series of webinars organized by the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN)

The Internet and other digital technologies are drastically changing the world we live in. Information and data are being produced, shared, used and consumed at a continuously accelerating speed, and people and services are more and more inter-connected.

Digital technologies are being applied throughout the food system, influencing the ways people interact with it and potentially redefining their food environments. The digital world potentially affects not only underlying and immediate causes of malnutrition in all its forms, but also its root causes, and our ability to address them. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has yet again illustrated this.

The webinar series “Nutrition in a Digital World”, comprises four thematic sessions promoted by UNSCN/UN Nutrition that aim to raise awareness on the risk-benefit duality of the digital world in improving nutrition, helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This webinar series intends to continue the conversation about this quickly evolving topic, building upon UNSCN 45 - Nutrition in the Digital World, published in July 2020.

  • EPISODE THREE | Digital solutions for data driven decision making, to help improve nutrition of vulnerable groups and to address inequalities
    Thursday, 3rd December 2020, 17:00-18:30 (CET)
    Moderator: Denise Coitinho, UNSCN Senior Consultant
    Panelists: Joseph Tinarwo, Nathaniel Jensen, Niyati Parekh, Zeina Makhoul, George Kent
    Registration link coming soon
  • EPISODE FOUR | Digital solutions for nutrition sensitive programming
    Thursday, 17 December 2020, 14:00-15:30 (CET)
    Moderator: Stineke Oenema, UNSCN Coordinator
    Panelists: Raul Saenz, Bin Liu, Jenny Walton, Susan Keino, George Rapsomanikis
    Registration link coming soon

More information on how to join the webinars is available here.

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