Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC)

Component 3

Promoting sustainable and equitable livelihoods through enhancement and diversification

This component addresses livelihood issues related to the shrimp/bottom trawl fisheries sector. The logic behind this component is that if changes are made in management that reduces bycatch, there will be potential impacts on income and food security for those who previously used bycatch. Likewise, if improved management of the sector leads to a reduction of the shrimp/bottom trawler fleet, alternative employment for fishers and fish workers needs to be sought. To be able to address these issues, a better understanding of who is using bycatch and how, is needed. Value chain analyses, including a gender analysis, will be carried out with a view to improving this understanding of the value and role of bycatch for men and women and different actors, giving particular consideration to vulnerable groups and individuals. This component will also include an analysis of current livelihoods and identification of strengths and opportunities that can be built on to enhance sustainability, as well as support to organizational development.

Expected outcomes:

• New income generating opportunities for men and women are identified in at least three project pilot sites.

• Capacities and opportunities for enhanced sustainable and diverse livelihoods are created and gender equality promoted within the sector. Gender equality in fisheries is promoted.