Support towards operationalization of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy (STOSAR)

FAO + European Union. Investing in a sustainable and food secure future. Report


The EU and FAO are driven by a mutual commitment to end povertyhunger and malnutrition on the planet. This partnership is based on shared interests, a common vision, and joint efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Together, the EU and FAO leverage innovative approaches, tools and products that benefit the global community, while also serving as important agents of positive change for millions of people in developing, emerging and developed countries, including those in the European Union.

During a strategic dialogue meeting in September 2017, the EU and FAO outlined the partnership’s joint priorities and work for the period 2018–2020:

  • Resilience and food crises
  • Climate change and natural resource management
  • Agricultural investments and sustainable value chains
  • Nutrition and sustainable food systems

The European Union is one of the largest resrouce partner in terms of voluntary contributions to FAO and is among FAO's most important partners through programmes implemented accross the world.

Information about the STOSAR project can be found at page 47 of the 2018-2020 report which available here.