Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)


Only the main results are summarized in the table below. Many more activities are happening at country level.




Water accounting (WA)

Crop Mapping


A detailed land use and crop map using remote sensing was prepared for Akkar site for two cropping seasons, with the aim of assessing better crop water consumption.


Two experts were trained on the realization of crop maps using remote sensing and the use of the FAO Wapor Database.

ET measurement

2019 – 2020

Installation of an instrument of the ET Network at the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) Tal Amara research station in the Bekka valley. ET field measurement is done using different instruments for direct (ex. Lysimeter) or indirect measurement (ex. energy balance measurement). One of the instrument installed is an improved agrometeor stations completed by sensors (ET Cordova station) to measure cereal evapotranspiration comparing between different treatments. Monitoring is currently ongoing.


Two Lebanese experts were trained on the fabrication and installation of the ET Cordova station.

Piloting WA

2019 – 2020

A case study on Rapid Water Accounting (RWA) was realized on the Nahr El Kalb watershed to analyze the realities and opportunities of water scarcity (report under development).

2020 – 2021

Establishing a robust water accounting system providing the evidence base for the full water budgeting for Nahr El Kalb River Basin is currently ongoing.

WA Institutionalization

2020 - 2021

Supporting the establishment of a Water Accounting Unit or functions at the Lebanese Ministry of Water Resources is currently ongoing.

Training on WA and auditing


Two national experts were trained to become analysts on advanced water accounting and auditing in a regional training implemented by FAO with IHE-Delft, and IWMI-MENA in Cairo.


Twenty-five national experts were trained on the water accounting assessment process covering the RWA and the advanced WA and its different approaches, through working with actual WA case studies and reviewing international experiences. Training was implemented with IWMI-MENA in Amman.

Water Productivity (WP)

WP assessment


Four experts were trained on the concepts and methodologies of WP.


Four experts share their WP experience at the regional WP conference in Tunisia and successfully joined the WP community of practice.

WP at field level: farmer experimentation

2019 – 2020

Two Farmer Field Schools (FFS) were established in Akkar governorate, with the support of CONCERN and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). The FFS’s were implemented in two villages on good agricultural practices for tomato under greenhouses, with 25 farmers in each school and six experimental plots.


A 10 days Training of Trainers refresher course was carried out in Akkar governorate by CONCERN and MoA facilitators.


192 semi-skilled and unskilled agricultural workers of which 60 percent are women, were trained on good agricultural practices including trainings on mulching, seeding, weeding and leafing.

2020 - 2021

LARI is implementing a nation-wide WP baseline and a field-level WP assessment with a detailed farmer survey on farmer practices versus water. This activity is ongoing.

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