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Open call for indigenous women leaders!

Training of Trainers on Human Rights, Food and Nutrition Security

06/07/2018 - 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, and the International Indigenous Women’s Forum, IIWF/FIMI, are pleased to call for indigenous women leaders from Africa to the Training of Trainers on Human Rights, Food and Nutrition Security. 

FIMI is a global network of indigenous women leaders that links local, national and regional organizations from Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. FIMI’s mission is to bring together indigenous women leaders and human rights activists from different parts of the world to coordinate agendas, capacity-build and develop leadership roles. FIMI encourages the coherent and substantive inclusion of the perspectives of indigenous women in all discussions related to human rights. 

FAO is one of the leading organizations for its expertise in natural resources management, including food systems. Given the inextricable relationship that exists between nature and indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, FAO plays an important role in protecting the environment and those who depend on it for survival. Many FAO projects relate to indigenous peoples even if indirectly, in their promotion of biological and cultural diversity as the underpinnings of food and livelihood security as well as quality of life.  

FIMI has been conducting the Indigenous Women’s Global Leadership School developing capacity building programs aimed at indigenous women leaders from different regions of the world. In collaborative efforts with FAO in the year 2015, began the implementation of this particular program at the national level, a Program on Human Rights, Food and Nutrition Security. At the close of the second edition, more than 100 women from different Indigenous Peoples from Peru, Bolivia, India, the Philippines, El Salvador, Panama and Paraguay participated.  


 Call for participants 27th  June – 15  July 2018 

In this occasion, FIMI and FAO are going to implement the program Training of Trainers on Human Rights, Food Security and Nutrition to be carried out at a regional level in Africa, Asia and Latin-America. 

 The Objectives are: 

 • Strengthen the leaderships and knowledges of indigenous women on human rights, food security and nutrition for the capacity building of other indigenous women. • Promote and strengthen the articulation, alliances and collaborations between activists and indigenous organizations at the regional level for the advocacy and participation at the international processes. 

 WHO CAN APPLY:  This program is open to indigenous women leaders , the requirements are: i. Indigenous women with skill and experience in facilitating capacity building processes. ii. Indigenous women associated with an indigenous organisation and actively working with indigenous communities and involved in human rights, indigneous  peoples rights and women’s rights. iii. Basic English or Spanish speaking and writing skills. 

 In the selection process, 30 indigenous women leaders will be selected to participate in the program through an Advisory Committee. 

 SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarship to cover airfare (economy flights), accommodation and food will be provided; it is included educational material.  FIMI will provide full scholarships for 30 participants. All scholarships will awarded in the most equitable way possible. 

 Further information: http://fimi-iiwf.org/