Land & Water

Land Resources Planning Toolbox

This category of tools gives prominence to biophysical attributes (climate, soil, terrain, water, etc.) and their interactions in the land evaluation process. The output, in most cases, guides the users to suitable options for land use alternatives, based mainly on biophysical attributes. Land suitability and similarity analysis are typical examples. Documents describing principles, approaches and guidelines for land evaluation are included, as well as different tools for classifying soils based on the suitability for a specific use, capability or potential, fertility constraints and management and linkages to yield, productivity, physical and chemical properties. Sophisticated or simplified modelling of crop growth and yield predictions, also fall into this category.

The tools in this category use as inputs information on both biophysical characteristics  and social and economic conditions and generally incorporate principles, approaches and methods of participatory land use planning, with the overall objective of reaching mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders.

The tools in this category give prominence to the characterization of social and economic settings required for land use planning and includes approaches and methods of participatory decision-making. Biophysical conditions may be considered in these tools, but not in depth.

This category includes databases that can facilitate land evaluation and land use planning by providing information that may serve as inputs for the process. These databases provide maps and data on soil and terrain characteristics, land degradation, land cover, land use, climatic data including future projections, crops and yields, food, agriculture, water resources, adaptability/suitability of identified plant species for a given environment, and socio-economic data and statistics on poverty, population, tenure and gender.

This category of tools do not produce results that have direct use for land evaluation and land use planning, but has a supporting role by providing various types of data  that can be used in land evaluation studies and as input data sets for land use planning.

Number of records: 171
MIRCA2000 is a global dataset with spatial resolution of 5 arc minutes (about 9.2 km at the equator) which provides both irrigated and rainfed crop areas of 26 crop classes for each month of the year. The crops include all major food crops (wheat, maize, rice, barley, rye, millet,...
Type: Maps/GIS
Scale: Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Crops - distribution
User Category: Technical specialist, Modeller
LESA is an analytical tool, consisting of two components, Land Evaluation (LE) and Site Assessment (SA), designed to provide systematic and objective procedures to rate and rank sites for agricultural importance. LESA provides a national model with consistent terminology and a set of classification procedures using soil-based and other site...
Type: Documentation/Manuals
Scale: Locality/Farm/Site, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Land evaluation, Soils - distribution and properties
User Category: Technical specialist, Stakeholder
LEFSA outlines the development and application of an integrated land evaluation and farming systems analysis sequence. In the present guidelines it is argued that integration of land evaluation and farming systems analysis can substantially improve current practices in land use planning as an aid for sustainable land use and rural...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: National, Sub-national/Province/District, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Farming systems, Land evaluation, Land management/planning
User Category: Technical specialist, Scientific advisor
This Discussion Paper responds to a perceived need to update the FAO 1976 Framework for Land Evaluation. An update was considered necessary to reflect current concerns related to climate change, biodiversity conservation and land degradation, as well as to address issues of multi-functionality of land, sustainability of use and...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: National, Sub-national/Province/District, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Land evaluation
User Category: Technical specialist, Scientific advisor
The ICARDA-AgroClimate Tool is a Visual Basic agro-climate application developed by climatologists at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and the US Department of Agriculture. The application’s climate database consists of weather generator parameters derived from the daily data of 649 meteorological stations in the...
Type: Data
Scale: Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Climate
User Category: Technical specialist
GMIA shows the amount of area equipped for irrigation around the year 2005 in percentage of the total area on a raster with a spatial resolution of 5 arc-minutes (about 10 km at the equator). Additional map layers show the percentage of the area equipped for irrigation that was actually...
Type: Maps/GIS
Scale: Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Land use/cover
User Category: Technical specialist, Scientific advisor
The FESLM is a strategic framework approach for evaluating sustainable land management. The framework contains a ‘logical pathway’, a series of logical steps connecting all aspects of the land use – environmental, economic and social – which collectively determine whether that form of land management is or will become sustainable....
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: Sub-national/Province/District, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Land evaluation
User Category: Scientific advisor
FAOSTAT is FAO’s global statistical database. It provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available. FAOSTAT’s statistical data are mostly at national level, compiled from National Statistical offices, and cover...
Type: Data
Scale: National
Thematic areas: Agriculture - statistics, Food - statistics
User Category: Technical specialist, Policy maker
The LCC is one of a number of interpretive groupings made primarily for agricultural purposes. The principles of LCC are the following: (1) areas of land are put into classes ranging from best (Class I) to worst (Class VIII), (2) land allocated to a particular capability class has the potential...
Type: Data,Documentation/Manuals
Scale: Sub-national/Province/District, Locality/Farm/Site, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Land use/cover
User Category: Technical specialist, Stakeholder
The HWSD is a 30 arc-second raster database with over 16,000 different soil mapping units that combines existing regional and national updates of soil information worldwide (SOTER, ESDB, Soil Map of China, WISE) with the information contained within the 1: 5,000,000 scale FAO-UNESCO Soil...
Type: Data
Scale: Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Soils - distribution and properties
User Category: Technical specialist