Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies

The 'Monitoring, Prioritizing and Optimizing Public Investments in the Agrifood Sector for Greater Socioeconomic Impact in Ghana' workshop brought together over 35 representatives from government institutions to engage with policymakers on new economic analyses.
Over a dozen staff from various ministries and institutions benefitted from in-person training on MAFAP’s policy-monitoring tools as part of a three-day upskilling workshop.
The MAFAP team had the opportunity to discuss the programme with a Gates Foundation delegation visiting Rome for meetings at FAO and Rome-based agencies.

The team in Nigeria and Deputy Director for Agrifood Economics and Policy at FAO held a number of high-level meetings with Nigerian policymakers as well as the UN Resident Coordinator in Nigeria and heads of WFP and IFAD

Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, FAO in Nigeria and the MAFAP programme brought together over 35 government officials and policymakers from several institutions for a workshop in Abuja.

The Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) programme, within the Agrifood Economics and Policy Division at FAO, is a leading policy support initiative that has been working since 2009 with mainly African countries to strategically prioritize, reform and implement agrifood policies for inclusive agricultural transformation. 

MAFAP does this by supporting governments with agrifood policy monitoring on public expenditure on food and agriculture and price incentives for key country commodities, with policy prioritization to optimise their public budgets and prioritize their investments in commodities, and with agrifood policy reforms to address issues on food and nutrition, pricing, marketing, strategy development and trade. 

Countries where MAFAP is providing support
All about agrifood policy prioritization in 1 minute with Marco V. Sánchez

Find out in this 1-minute video with Agrifood Economics and Policy Deputy Director Marco V. Sánchez how the MAFAP Programme is partnering with countries...

All about agrifood policy monitoring in 1 minute with Valentina Pernechele

Find out in 1 minute from Economist Valentina Pernechele how the MAFAP Programme is helping countries through policy monitoring and data analysis on...

All about agrifood reform in 1 minute with Thibault Meilland

Find out from Policy Advisor Thibault Meilland how the MAFAP Programme is supporting countries through a 4-step process to repurpose and reform their...

MAFAP Policy Monitoring E-learning Series

Upskill your agrifood policy monitoring through an interactive, in-depth e-learning series on globally recognized methodologies on public expenditure...

FAO Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies programme (MAFAP)

Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) programme, a leading policy support initiative at FAO that helps countries to strategically...

The Monitoring, Prioritizing and Optimizing Public Investments in the Agrifood Sector for Greater Socioeconomic Impact in Ghana workshop brought together over 35 representatives from government institutions to engage with policymakers on new economic analyses.

The MAFAP team had the opportunity to discuss the programme with a Gates Foundation delegation visiting Rome for meetings at FAO and Rome-based agencies.

Fair prices for Irish potatoes in Rwanda - A new price-setting mechanism

Rwanda is home to around 300 000 Irish potato smallholder farmers and is one of the top ten producers of Irish potatoes in Africa, with an estimated...

Identifying commodity-specific priority investments in selected districts of Uganda

Building on the previous work by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supporting the identification of priority agricultural...

Analysing beef price incentives to strengthen policies for production and exports in Uganda

In Uganda, 58 percent of households depend on livestock for their livelihoods, with cattle being the most important livestock subsector in the country....

Monitoring public expenditure on food and agriculture: the MAFAP method

Learn how public spending on food and agriculture is a critical to better understand agricultural public expenditure and how it affects agricultural...

Monitoring price incentives for food and agriculture: the MAFAP method

Learn how policies influence prices at different stages of the value chain, such as at producer, wholesale and retail level, is fundamental to determine...

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Marco V. Sánchez

Deputy Director

Agrifood Economics and Policy Division & Officer-in-Charge MAFAP

[email protected]