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FAO to host a Special Seminar on Food and Nutrition - 25 November

A distinguished and expert panel discusses ways to expedite agri-food system transformation


This special seminar calls us to take a new look at how to channel our knowledge, stimulate innovative thinking and guide our actions to expedite agri-food system transformation and achieve healthy diets for all.

A distinguished and expert panel of global leaders will focus on the following aspects:

  • Promoting access to healthy diets for all, its connection to family health and the role of women
  • Preventing food loss and waste as a matter of urgency
  • Using innovation for food and agriculture
  • Linking agri-food transformation to the macroeconomics packages being implemented by countries

You can access the full agenda here.

Please join the Seminar tomorrow 25 November 2020, 10.30 (CET) by registering at this link: https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-PWE43EVQDu0ehx__McUVw

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