FAO Members Gateway


FAO produces a significant volume of publications across various languages and regions, reflecting the Organization's commitment to linguistic diversity and inclusivity. Spanish publications account for a significant portion of the Organization's overall editorial output. This demonstrates FAO's commitment to reaching Spanish-speaking regions and...
In this episode, FAO calls for more funding and resources for farmers in Sudan to prevent the escalation of the hunger crisis; FAO’s Director-General emphasized Africa’s potential for development at the FAO’s Regional Conference that took place in Morocco; and...
FAO is committed to linguistic diversity, producing numerous publications across several languages, including Chinese. This demonstrates FAO's commitment to reaching Chinese-speaking audiences, ensuring that valuable information and resources are accessible in this language.  Chinese-language materials play a crucial role in facilitating communication, knowledge...
In this episode, FAO is distributing fodder to vulnerable families in Gaza to enhance food production to alleviate the catastrophic food security situation; FAO calls for urgent action to prevent the hunger crisis in Sudan from further escalating, and the...
Data analyses, policy recommendations, and actions on the ground.