FAO in Myanmar
Innovation is unlocking the forests’ long-kept secrets and allowing us to use trees in ways...
By Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
By Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
In a world where knowledge is a catalyst for change, the story of Daw Aye...
On International Women's Day we celebrate the contribution of women in Myanmar's agricultural economy.                                                                        ...
Agricultural livelihoods are still buried in the mud and crops struggle to grow.
Many vulnerable farmers are still struggling to rebuild their agricultural livelihoods.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), co-leading the Food Security Sector, mark World Food Day by celebrating the strong leadership and crucial contribution of the Government of Myanmar toward achieving zero hunger nationwide, which is the theme of...
At the end of September, the Myanmar Department of Rural Development, FAO and partners hosted a workshop to present the intial research findings from a national survey on social protection and poverty dimensions in support of rural development and poverty reduction in Myanmar. The workshop was opened by H.E.U. Tin...