FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in New York

Major new initiative aims to help low-income countries improve collection of agricultural data
Measuring resilience, using artificial intelligence can flank ground action to fight famine/hunger
Follow FAO's engagement at the 73rd UNGA!
821 million people now hungry and over 150 million children stunted, putting hunger eradication goal at risk
Sharp rise in wheat prices as dry weather scales back output prospects
The 72nd Session of the General Assembly adopted by consensus today a resolution on the implementation of the United Nations Decade on Nutrition (2016-2025) recognizing commitments made by Member States and other actors and exhorting further action to ensure food security and nutrition for all. Among the first Member States to announce...
Sustainable and inclusive food systems are pathways to sustainable development but can only be successful if we advance the 2030 Agenda as a whole, FAO said at the 2018 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) held in New York from 9 to 18 July.  “More sustainable food systems will act as an enabler of a...
FAO raised the alarm of increasing hunger in the world, at the 2018 High-Level Political Forum in New York. “Three years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, hunger is on the rise and urgent action is needed to ensure the trend is reversed. At the same time, obesity and other...
"Urgent action is needed to sustain and preserve the planet's forests in order to achieve our global goals," FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said in a video message to the opening of the week-long Committee on Forestry meeting.
We cannot fail in protecting and ensuring the sustainable development of mountains, said Rene Castro, FAO Assistant Director-General, during the “Leading Sustainable Mountain Development” side-event at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on 16 July 2018 in New York. Organized by the Permanent Mission of Andorra and in partnership with FAO,...
We cannot fail in protecting and ensuring the sustainable development of mountains, said Rene Castro, FAO Assistant Director-General, during the “Leading Sustainable Mountain Development” side-event at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on 16 July 2018 in New York. Organized by the Permanent Mission of Andorra and in partnership with FAO,...
The 2018 High-Level Political Forum took stock of progress, challenges and enablers to reach Sustainable Development Goal 15 “Life on land” in a lively thematic review session moderated by René Castro, Assistant Director-General of the Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department at FAO. “SDG15 is often misperceived as an environmental goal...
Use of water, food waste and migration are some of the many challenges citites face and that can be addressed by strengthening rural-urban linkages, said René Castro, FAO Assistant Director-General of Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Development, during the HLPF side-event, “Strengthening Rural-Urban Linkages for Inclusive and Resilient Societies and...
The three United Nations Rome-based agencies– FAO, WFP and IFAD – spoke in one voice to advocate for rural resilience, rural-urban linkages and sustainable food systems at thematic review sessions of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). On 10 July, WFP delivered a statement on behalf of the RBAs...
As government, business and civil society leaders review the world’s progress on sustainable development at the United Nations in New York, a 12 July 2018 event, convened by the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica, zeroed in on food safety and the vital role of Codex standards. Codex Alimentarius Commission Officers,...
National ownership, community involvement and partnerships were emphasized as key elements to accelerate efforts towards achieving food security and nutrition in SIDS, said the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). “The achievement of food security and nutrition in SIDS...
“Trees and forests contribute to achieving multiple targets across the 2030 Agenda and need to be incorporated into strategies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Eva Müller, Director of FAO's Forestry Policy and Resources Division, at the event, “Forest-based Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies,” in advance of the...
We need updated food security and nutrition data in order to prioritize a response that is appropriate to needs as well as for advocacy purposes, said Monique Pariat, Director General of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid of the European Union, during the side-event “From Joint Analysis to humanitarian,...
Experts and stakeholders in nutrition and on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under review in the 2018 High-Level Political Forum (SDG6, SDG7, SDG11, SDG12 and SDG15) met in New York to identify interlinkages that can help push the 2030 Agenda forward. The participants highlighted the importance of utilizing a food systems approach...
New FAO tool lists concrete steps ways to speed up implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda