Civil Society

Call for Expression of Interest for CSO Consultation for 30th Regional Conference for Africa of FAO

22/01/2018 - 23/01/2018
Khartoum, Sudan

The Steering Committee of CSOs launched a call for expression of the interest (EOI) for Orgnisation of CSO Consultation for the 30th Regional Conference for Africa (ARC) of FAO

The next African Civil Society Consultation at the 30th FAO Regional Conference will be held from 22 to 23 January 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan. This important meeting will be organized by the Network of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa (ROPPA) under the direction of the steering committee of the global network of civil society organizations (CSOs) of the region, entrusted by FAO in accordance with the principles of autonomy and self-organization.

The FAO Regional Conferences are the highest forums and governing bodies of the Organization at this level, and usually take place once every biennium. The CSOs consultation meetings are organized autonomously by and for civil society actors in the region, prior to the FAO Regional Conference. The objective is to bring together civil society organizations representing different constituencies to discuss specific items on the Conference agenda and key issues of relevance to the region. In recent years, CSOs have been able to participate, through spokespersons, in FAO Regional Conferences during technical and ministerial sessions. 

This consultation will involve representatives of civil society with a balanced representation of different constituencies, in addition to geography, gender and groups, identified according to the main groups of beneficiaries of FAO, ensuring that competing interests, voices and Societal concerns are included (farmers, artisanal fishermen and fish farmers, pastoralists and pastoralists, forest dwellers, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, landless, agricultural / rural workers, especially women and youth, consumers, NGOs, etc. FAO Guidelines).

For more information and how to register, please visit ROPPA website