La société civile


11 Oct 2014
11 October 2014, Rome - Civil society plays a crucial role helping building consensus, giving a voice to the hungry, representing the diversity that exists in society and being a part of international decision-making processes, FAO Director-General told civil society representatives today at the Organization’s headquarters, where they began the annual forum of the International Civil Society Mechanism to UN Committee in World Food Security (CFS). Opening debate More than 200 civil society representatives will assess this weekend the last five years of the CFS since its reform in 2009.  Civil society representatives will work to...
10 Oct 2014
Plus de 200 représentants de la société civile se réuniront ce week-end pour discuter des questions relatives à la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition lors du Forum annuel 2014 du Mécanisme de la Société Civile (MSC), au siège de la FAO, pour se préparer pour la session plénière du Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale (CSA) de l'ONU, qui commencera le lundi 13 Octobre. C'est la troisième année consécutive que la FAO accueille le Forum annuel MSC. Le Forum de cette année commémore Chandrika Sharma, renommée défenseur des droits des pêcheurs et ancien participant du MSC, qui...
08 Oct 2014
8 October 2014, Rome – “Civil society has played a key role in the implementation of the Guidelines and has contribuited to including the Right to Adequate Food in the constitutions of 28 countries,” stated Jomo K. Sundaram, Assistant Director General – Coordinator for Economic and Social Development Department, FAO, during the presentation of the report by The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium this morning at FAO Headquarters. The 2014 Watch analyzes the “gains, concerns and struggles,” in the past ten years since the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Adequate Food were approved by the FAO...
24 Sep 2014
New York, 24 September 2014 – In a world where increasing urbanization, rising populations, and expanding agricultural land use are encroaching on ecosystems and impacting on biodiversity, two United Nations agencies have come together to work for a more sustainable future. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that builds on the two agencies’ past collaborations and adds four priority work areas. “Partnerships of this kind are essential if we are to meet the challenges and demands of our changing environment and social landscape,” said Achim Steiner,...
02 Jul 2014
2 July 2014, Rome - FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva met today with Hilal Elver,  the newly appointed Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food of the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) and agreed to work together on their complementary mandates. As 2014 marks ten years since the adoption of the “Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security,” Graziano da Silva and Elver discussed progress made so far in implementing the guidelines as well as the challenges that...