
Opportunities for quality food and the productive use of water and other resources to nourish and benefit the poor, as well as society as a whole, exist, but need to be well integrated into policy and development actions. Based on...
The SOFA2020, one of FAO's major annual flagship publications, highlights the importance of LEAP in promoting sustainable water use in livestock production systems and supply chains This year's edition of the FAO’s State of Food and Agriculture 2020 (SOFA2020)...
Both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement represent the road map for global action to, amongst others, end poverty, protect the planet, and improve livelihoods while tackling climate change. Governments and the private sector are...
Through its work programme 2019-2021, LEAP aims to consolidate the current guidance by disseminating the guidelines and developing practical tools to support its application and uptake. Among these activities, the data collection form package was recently released. Developed for...
By Mauricio Chacón Navarro, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Production of Costa Rica Costa Rica is a country located in Central America with an area of ​​51,100 km2 and a population of nearly 5 million inhabitants. With a wide...