Parliamentary alliances


28 Sep 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has signed a partnership agreement with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie, recognizing parliamentarians as key actors in the fight to end hunger, malnutrition and rural poverty.The 2020 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report paints a sobering picture: with just a decade to go to the endpoint of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the number of people affected by hunger and all forms of malnutrition continues to rise. The world is not on track to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030, and if...
14 Aug 2020
On July 22, parliamentarians met with members of farmers’ organizations and rural women’s networks for a virtual dialogue on advancing gender equality in the context of family farming. The discussion centred on the potential of rural women to contribute to sustainable agriculture and food systems, and addressed both the challenges they currently face and the actions that parliamentarians can take to support rural women entrepreneurs and women family farmers, during the current COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.The virtual meeting was the second in a series of dialogues organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),...
12 Aug 2020
Santiago, Chile – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Parliament of Latin America and the Caribbean (PARLATINO) have released a declaration on increasing responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.  "This crisis is an unprecedented opportunity to rethink the way our agriculture and food systems work, in order to adopt recovery measures that allow the economies of all countries in the region to be rebuilt with equality," said Jorge Pizarro, President of PARLATINO. "We want to build a more participatory and humane development...
11 Aug 2020
Sao Tomé - La mise en place de cadres législatifs adéquats nécessite d’une part une volonté politique et d’autre part une action parlementaire, consolidées par une  collaboration multisectorielle mais également une sensibilisation accrue du législateur en direction du public, ainsi que des pouvoirs exécutif et judiciaire.
26 Jun 2020
The virtual dialogue on “Parliamentarians’ response to the impacts of COVID-19 on gender equality, food security and nutrition” organized by FAO, IISD and OXFAM with us Parliamentarians from the Africa, Europe and Latin America and Caribbean regions is very timely and of utmost importance. We rarely have the opportunity of exchanging knowledge and experiences regarding gender issues in agriculture and food security between regions and this dialogue becomes crucial in times when a coordinated and global action is needed to fight the COVID-19 that has threatened food security and nutrition, and the progresses achieved since the adoption of the MDGs and...