Movilización de recursos

Investing for results

The world’s population is growing rapidly and food demand is expected to rise significantly in the coming years. In order to ensure stable future food supplies, integrated approaches that support family farming communities, sustainable agriculture and the conservation of agroecosystem goods and services at the local level are needed. This...
In spite of significant reconstruction efforts, Afghanistan remains ravaged by three decades of devastating war, natural disasters and population growth, which have contributed to rampant poverty and food insecurity. Although almost half of rural households own and cultivate some land and more than 64 percent own some sort of livestock...
La escasa producción y productividad en el sector agrícola y los bajos ingresos de los hogares hacen que la seguridad alimentaria siga constituyendo un problema en la parte noroccidental de Kenya y la parte sudoriental de Sudán del Sur. Dado que los pequeños productores y los pequeños y medianos empresarios...
La agricultura ha constituido siempre una parte importante de la economía de Georgia. Sin embargo, el sector agrícola ha sido descuidado hasta hace muy poco, lo cual ha agravado problemas crónicos, dando lugar a una productividad muy baja y a una infrautilización de los recursos. Desde 2012, el Gobierno ha...
In the majority of developing countries, pesticides are widely used for the control of pestsand diseases in agriculture. Unsound chemical management, the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs), the presence of unsafe guarded obsolete stocks of pesticides and the overall...