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New value for money report presents select success stories and key partnerships for sustainable agricultural development

Report walks the reader through FAO’s innovative funding mechanisms in place to mobilize sufficient resources to achieve Zero Hunger

25/09/2018 - 

The 2017 Results, Partnerships - Impact 2018 Annual Report provides a snapshot of selected key successes achieved by FAO worldwide in 2017, demonstrating key partnerships and sustainable results on the ground obtained thanks to collaborations with FAO Members and other resource partners.

The success stories and other information contained in the report demonstrate that only by working together with partners, creatively and effectively, can FAO reach its  goals, in particular the goal of Zero Hunger.

Clearly more work remains to be done to mobilize sufficient resources to meet funding gaps related to fighting hunger. Now is a transformative moment for FAO and the international community as a whole: persistent global challenges, including climate change, protracted crises, distress migration, gender inequality, malnutrition, transboundary pest and disease outbreaks, and threats to biodiversity, call for urgent and concerted action.

FAO relies on its strong set of institutional capacities and maintains a clear sense of local, regional and global results that need to be accomplished in order to achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Notwithstanding FAO’s resource mobilization results in 2017 with an historic USD 1.2 billion raised—a 44 percent increase compared to the previous year—a volatile global political and economic environment will likely see a drop in official development assistance (ODA) over time.

This is why the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is not simply calling for actions that cut across the 17 Global Goals, but rather for a fundamental change in partnership-building to achieve the Global Goals. International accords mirror this shift, with a rise in expanded partnerships and collective action that encourage development and humanitarian partners to engage effectively.

There is no time to lose. Without additional efforts by FAO and partners to expand development that targets the poor, an estimated 650 million people will remain undernourished in 2030.

Addressing inequalities is critical to global food security. Even where poverty has successfully been reduced, pervasive inequalities remain, hindering poverty eradication. Thus, pro-poor strategies must be developed and implemented to ensure that the weakest participate in the benefits of market integration and investment in agriculture and food systems, leaving no one behind.

Such strategies would improve the income and investment opportunities of resource-poor people in rural areas, thereby addressing the root causes of migration.

Major transformations in agricultural systems, rural economies, and natural resource management will be necessary if the full potential of food and agriculture is to be unleashed, ensuring a secure and healthy future for all people and for the planet.

By joining forces to make use of one another’s expertise and comparative advantages, FAO and its partners can better tackle the challenges that stand in the way of achieving Zero Hunger, together with all the other Goals for 2030.


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