Acuerdo sobre medidas del Estado rector del puerto (AMERP)


Media resources
2023 - FAO
El Acuerdo sobre las medidas del Estado rector del puerto destinadas a prevenir, desalentar y eliminar la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada fue aprobado por la Conferencia de la FAO en su 36.o periodo de sesiones (Roma, 18‑23 de noviembre de...
Media resources
2023 - FAO
View this brief video message about the importance of the PSMA. See here
Media resources
2022 - FAO
The PSMA covers 100 States around the world. View this short animation showing adherence since 2016. Link here
Media resources
2022 - FAO
Implementing the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) is like border control for travellers. Watch this 3-minute animation, explaining how the PSMA works. Watch here in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish. 
Media resources
2022 - FAO
Ports are the entry points through which fish start their final journey to our plates. The 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA), is the most cost-effective means to ensure the sustainability of fisheries through the enforcement of rules and regulations. The PSMA...