Passerelle sur l’aviculture et les produits avicoles

APF Poultry Nutrition Symposium

Bangkok, Thailand
25 March 2020
26 March 2020

Symposium Theme

  • Applications of new technologies and strategies for enhancing Broiler productivity.
  • Challenges of integrating conventional broiler production and welfare.
  • Propose the alternative feed resources for sustainable poultry production

Symposium Objectives

  • The aim of symposium is to propose modern concepts for enhancing poultry production through innovative feed technologies particularly broiler production and welfare.
  • Growing broiler in a sustainable way means adopting the modern feeding practices that produce more with less input in the same resources and wise and timely use of natural resources.
  • By strengthening the resilience of poultry industry, food security for the planet's increasingly hungry global population can be assured.
  • The symposium will intend to conclude the smarter and sustainable ways to increase broiler productivity through precision and least cost feed formula