REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

New project to safeguard the forests of Honduras under the leadership of women and rural and indigenous youth


Supported by FAO and the Government of Canada, the project aims to contribute to the sustainable use of forest resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

On 9 August 2018, a new project was launched to promote conservation and the responsible use of the forests of Honduras and to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions in the country. The project will work with women as well as rural and indigenous youth from 12 municipalities in the Western region of the country, in the districts of Lempira and Santa Bárbara.

According to the Forest Reference Emission Level submitted by Honduras to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the annual deforestation rate in Honduras is 23 304 hectares. At the same time, according to the Global Climate Risk Index, Honduras ranks as one of the countries most affected by climate change, whose effects increase due to deforestation and forest degradation.

The project "Empowerment of Women for Climate Action in the Forestry Sector" will work with the investment of 120 million lempiras (approx. USD 5 million) to contribute to reducing poverty rates of 2 000 families by building and enhancing their technical, productive and entrepreneurial capacities.

This initiative will be implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the support from the Government of Canada and in coordination with the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment, the Presidential Office of Climate Change, the Institute of Forest Conservation, the National Institute for Women and local municipal governments and communities.

This project seeks to strengthen forest governance, with the equal participation of women and youth in the processes, and increase their access to resources, to contribute to the generation of sustainable enterprise that energizes local communities to face deforestation” highlighted Dennis Latimer, FAO Representative in Honduras

In line with Canada’s International Feminist Assistance Policy, this project seeks to empower rural and indigenous women to raise their voices and defend their rights, to overcome inequalities, to strengthen decision-making and to share benefits that result in the conservation and sustainable management of the forest, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.”


Grupo de Danza

Better local governance for forest management

The implementation strategy is planned for four years, in which the governance mechanisms for the management of natural resources will be developed through improved national strategies.

Additionally, the project is aimed at strengthening the capacities of national institutions as well as 60 local producer organisations linked to the management and use of forest resources. This will be done through the adoption of best practices and sustainable management of the resources as well as the promotion of resilience to the effects of climate change and innovation in its production processes.

The communities agreed that the management of territorial development can be reinforced by strengthening the powers of local governments established in the law on municipalities and the strategic plans of the communities in the sustainable management of natural resources.

This project goes hand in hand with the Honduras’ Climate Change Law; the Master Plan of Water, Forests and Soils; and the National Strategy on Climate Change. In addition, it responds to the commitments established by the National Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, specifically the restoration of one million hectares of forests by 2030, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.


For the original version of the article, visit FAO Honduras webpage


For more information, please contact:


Lucio Santos

Regional Technical Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean,

REDD+/NFM Cluster, Forestry Department, FAO

[email protected]


Francesca Felicani-Robles

Forestry officer, Legal

Forestry Department, FAO Subregional Office for Central America

[email protected]

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