الحق في الغذاء حول العالم

اختر مستوى الاعتراف الدستوري

من أجل العثور على العناصر التي تبحث عنها، يمكن إجراء عمليات البحث عن طريق معايير مختلفة: حسب الدولة أو نوع الاعتراف الدستوري، حيث يمكن اختيار أكثر من نوع.

الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي
الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي
المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة
الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية
الأحكام الأخرى ذات الصلة بإعمال الحق في الغذاء الكافي
تم العثور على 112 دولة


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 43: “Women and men have equal rights and opportunities. Women cannot be subjected to any type of discrimination. During their periods of pregnancy and following delivery, women shall benefit from the special assistance and protection of the State and shall receive from the latter food subsidies if they should thereafter find themselves unemployed or abandoned.”

Article 44: “The following are basic rights of children: life, physical integrity, health and social security, a balanced diet […] They shall also enjoy other rights upheld in the Constitution, the laws, and international treaties ratified by Colombia.”

Article 46: “The State, society, and the family shall all participate in protecting and assisting individuals in the third age bracket and shall promote their integration into active and community life. The State shall guarantee to them services of integral social security and food subsidies in cases of indigence.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 93: “International treaties and agreements ratified by Congress that recognize human rights and prohibit their limitation in states of emergency have domestic priority. The rights and duties mentioned in this Charter shall be interpreted in accordance with international treaties on human rights ratified by Colombia.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 31: “The Kingdom of Cambodia shall recognize and respect human rights as stipulated in the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, the covenants and conventions related to human rights, women’s and children’s rights.”

Article 48: “The State shall protect the rights of children as stipulated in the Convention on Children.”


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 31: “The Kingdom of Cambodia shall recognize and respect human rights as stipulated in the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, the covenants and conventions related to human rights, women’s and children’s rights.”

Article 46: "The state and society shall provide opportunities to women, especially to those living in rural areas without adequate social support, so they can get employment, medical care, and send their children to school, and to have decent living conditions."

Article 52: “[...]The State shall give priority to endeavors which improve the welfare and standard of living of citizens.”

Article 63: “The State shall pay attention to marketing in order to improve citizens' living standard to a decent level."



الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 9: “Every person has the right to a decent existence and to social security. A law shall provide for the protection of the workers, assistance to the poor and for a system of social insurance.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 169(3): “treaties, conventions and agreements concluded in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article shall have, as from their publication in the official Gazette of the Republic, superior force to any municipal law on condition that such treaties, conventions and agreements are applied by the other party thereto.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 6: “ The State shall respect the international charters and conventions, and strive to implement all international agreements, charters, and conventions it is party thereof.” 

Article 143: “The enforcement of this Constitution shall not affect the provisions of the treaties and international agreements to which the State of Qatar is a party.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 28: “The State shall guarantee freedom of economic enterprise on the basis of social justice and balanced cooperation between private and public activity in order to achieve socio-economic development, increase in production, achieve public welfare, raise standard of living, and provide job opportunities in accordance with the provisions of the law.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 6.3: “International treaties to which the Kyrgyz Republic is a party that have entered into force under the established legal procedure and also the universally recognized principles and norms of international law shall be the constituent part of the legal system of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The provisions of international treaties on human rights shall have direct action and be of priority in respect of provisions of other international treaties.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 9.1: “The Kyrgyz Republic shall elaborate social programs aimed at establishing decent conditions of life and free personal development as well as assistance to employment."

Article 9.2: "The Kyrgyz Republic shall ensure the support to socially vulnerable categories of citizens, guaranteed minimal level of labor remuneration, protection of labor and health."

Article 9.3: "The Kyrgyz Republic shall develop a system of social services, medical services, establishes state pensions, benefits as well as other social security safeguards.”

Article 36.2: “Each child shall have the right to the level of life, necessary for his/her physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development.”

Article 53: 
2. Pensions and social assistance in accordance with the economic resources of the state shall ensure a standard of living not lower than the minimum subsistence level established by the law.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 138: “[...] International treaties ratified by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania shall be a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 52: “The State shall guarantee to citizens the right to receive old age and disability pensions as well as social assistance in the event of unemployment, sickness, widowhood, loss of the breadwinner, and in other cases provided for by laws.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 37: "Le Grand-Duc fait les traités. Les traités n’auront d’effet avant d’avoir été approuvés par la loi et publiés dans les formes prévues pour la publication des lois."

Article 49bis: "L’exercice d’attributions réservées par la Constitution aux pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire peut être temporairement dévolu par traité à des institutions de droit international."


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 11(5): "La loi règle quant à ses principes la sécurité sociale, la protection de la santé, les droits des travailleurs, la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’intégration sociale des citoyens atteints d’un handicap."


المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Article 95: “The State shall actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting, inter alia, policies aimed at the following:
(j) consistent planning to raise and maintain an acceptable level of nutrition and standard of living of the Namibian people and to improve public health”.

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 144: “Unless otherwise provided by this Constitution or Act of Parliament, the general rules of public international law and international agreements binding upon Namibia under this Constitution shall form part of the law of Namibia.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Artículo 63: “Es derecho de los nicaragüenses estar protegidos contra el hambre. El Estado promoverá programas que aseguren una adecuada disponibilidad de alimentos y una distribución equitativa de los mismos.”

الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Artículo 82: “Los trabajadores tienen derecho a condiciones de trabajo que les aseguren en especial:
1. Salario igual por trabajo igual en idénticas condiciones […] que les asegure un bienestar compatible con la dignidad humana. 
7. Seguridad social para protección integral y medios de subsistencia en casos de invalidez, vejez, riesgos profesionales, enfermedad y maternidad; y a sus familiares en casos de muerte”.

المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Artículo 4: “El Estado promoverá y garantizará los avances de carácter social y político para asegurar el bien común, asumiendo la tarea de promover el desarrollo humano de todos y cada uno de los nicaragüenses, protegiéndolos contra toda forma de explotación, discriminación y exclusión.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Artículo 46: “En el territorio nacional toda persona goza de la protección estatal y del reconocimiento de los derechos inherentes a la persona humana, del irrestricto respeto, promoción y protección de los derechos humanos y de la plena vigencia de los derechos consignados en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos; en la Declaración Americana de Derechos y Deberes del Hombre; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas; y en la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de Estados Americanos.”

Artículo 71.2: “La niñez goza de protección especial y de todos los derechos que su condición requiere, por lo cual tiene plena vigencia la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño y la Niña.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 22: “The State recognizes the right of every citizen to decent housing, education, food and social security.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 276. 2: “Once international treaties or agreements are approved and ratified in the manner stipulated by the Constitution, they become part of the legislation of the country and abrogate any laws in conflict with them.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 19: “The State has the absolute obligation to guarantee the right to life, health, and respect of the human person for all citizens without distinction, in conformity with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man.”