الحق في الغذاء حول العالم

اختر مستوى الاعتراف الدستوري

من أجل العثور على العناصر التي تبحث عنها، يمكن إجراء عمليات البحث عن طريق معايير مختلفة: حسب الدولة أو نوع الاعتراف الدستوري، حيث يمكن اختيار أكثر من نوع.

الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي
الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي
المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة
الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية
الأحكام الأخرى ذات الصلة بإعمال الحق في الغذاء الكافي
تم العثور على 17 دولة


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 21: "All citizens, male and female, have equal rights and duties, and are equal before the law without any discrimination. The state guarantees freedoms and individual and collective rights to all citizens, and provides all citizens the conditions for a dignified life."

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 20: "International agreements approved and ratified by the Assembly of the Representatives of the People have a status superior to that of laws and inferior to that of the Constitution."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 38: "Health is a right for every human being. The state shall guarantee preventative health care and treatment for every citizen and provide the means necessary to ensure the safety and quality of health services. The state shall ensure free health care for those without means and those with limited income. It shall guarantee the right to social assistance in accordance with the law.”


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 12: Right to assistance when in need. - "Persons in need and unable to provide for themselves have the right to assistance and care, and to the financial means required for a decent standard of living." 


المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Article 104:

"1. The Confederation shall ensure that agricultural sector, by means of a sustainable and market oriented production policy, makes an essential contribution towards:

a. the reliable provision of the population with foodstuffs;

b. the conservation of natural resources and the upkeep of the countryside;

c. decentralised population settlement of the country.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 193: "4. The mandatory provisions of international law must not be violated.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 41:
"1. The Confederation and the Cantons shall, as a complement to personal responsibility and private initiative, endeavour to ensure that:
a. every person has access to social security;
d. every person who is fit to work can earn their living by working under fair conditions; 

2. The Confederation and Cantons shall endeavour to ensure that every person is protected against the economic consequences of old-age, invalidity, illness, accident, unemployment, maternity, being orphaned and being widowed."

Article 112:

"1.  The Confederation shall legislate on the Old-age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance.
2.  In doing so, it shall adhere to the following principles: 
b. pensions must be sufficient to cover basic living expenses adequately"

Article 112a.1: "Confederation and Cantons shall pay supplementary benefits to people whose basic living expenses are not covered by benefits under the Old-age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance. "

Article 113:

"1. The Confederation shall legislate for an occupational pension scheme.
2.  In doing so, it shall adhere to the following principles:
a. the occupational pension scheme, together with the Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance, enables the insured person to maintain his or her previous lifestyle in an appropriate manner."


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 9: “Every person has the right to a decent existence and to social security. A law shall provide for the protection of the workers, assistance to the poor and for a system of social insurance.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 169(3): “treaties, conventions and agreements concluded in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article shall have, as from their publication in the official Gazette of the Republic, superior force to any municipal law on condition that such treaties, conventions and agreements are applied by the other party thereto.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 36:
(1) Every citizen shall have the right relating to food.
(2) Every citizen shall have the right to be safe from the state of being in danger of life from the scarcity of food.
(3) Every citizen shall have the right to food sovereignty in accordance with law.”

الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 42:
(2) Citizens who are economically very poor and communities on the verge of extinction, shall have the right to special opportunity and facilities in the areas of education, health, housing, employment, food and social security, for their protection, progress, empowerment and development.
(3) People with physical impairment shall have the right to a dignified way of life and equal access to social services and facilities, along with their diversity identity.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 50: “(1) It shall be the political objective of the State to strengthen a federal democratic republican system to ensure an atmosphere where democratic rights are exercised by acknowledging sovereignty, independence and integrity of the country to be of utmost importance; by protecting freedom, equality, property and all citizens through rule of law; by embracing the norms and values of fundamental rights and human rights, gender equality, proportional inclusion, participation and social justice; and by maintaining a just system in all spheres of national life in order to establish a government system aimed at public welfare, while maintaining relations between federal units on the basis of cooperation between them, and internalizing the principle of inclusion in the governance system on the basis of local autonomy and decentralization,”

Article 51: “The State shall pursue the following policies:

(b) Policies regarding political and governance system:

  • (1) Guaranteeing people’s welfare and all-round-progress through economic, social and cultural transformation, while defending and strengthening political achievements and their development.
  • (2) Maintaining rule of law by protecting and practicing human rights.

(h) Policies regarding the basic needs of citizens:

  • (12) Increasing investment in the agricultural sector by making necessary provisions for sustainable productivity, supply, storage and security, while making it easily available with effective distribution of food grains by encouraging food productivity that suits the soil and climate conditions of the country in accordance with the norms of food sovereignty.”

Article 52: “It shall be the obligation of the State to maintain Nepal's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, autonomy of Nepal, protecting and promoting fundamental rights and human rights, and to observe the directive principles of the State and gradually implementing the policies.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Artículo 63: “Es derecho de los nicaragüenses estar protegidos contra el hambre. El Estado promoverá programas que aseguren una adecuada disponibilidad de alimentos y una distribución equitativa de los mismos.”

الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Artículo 82: “Los trabajadores tienen derecho a condiciones de trabajo que les aseguren en especial:
1. Salario igual por trabajo igual en idénticas condiciones […] que les asegure un bienestar compatible con la dignidad humana. 
7. Seguridad social para protección integral y medios de subsistencia en casos de invalidez, vejez, riesgos profesionales, enfermedad y maternidad; y a sus familiares en casos de muerte”.

المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Artículo 4: “El Estado promoverá y garantizará los avances de carácter social y político para asegurar el bien común, asumiendo la tarea de promover el desarrollo humano de todos y cada uno de los nicaragüenses, protegiéndolos contra toda forma de explotación, discriminación y exclusión.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Artículo 46: “En el territorio nacional toda persona goza de la protección estatal y del reconocimiento de los derechos inherentes a la persona humana, del irrestricto respeto, promoción y protección de los derechos humanos y de la plena vigencia de los derechos consignados en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos; en la Declaración Americana de Derechos y Deberes del Hombre; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales; en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas; y en la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos de la Organización de Estados Americanos.”

Artículo 71.2: “La niñez goza de protección especial y de todos los derechos que su condición requiere, por lo cual tiene plena vigencia la Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño y la Niña.”


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article XX. (1) Every person shall have the right to physical and mental health. (2) Hungary shall promote the effective application of the right referred to in Paragraph (1) by an agriculture free of genetically modified organisms, by ensuring access to healthy food and drinking water, by organising safety at work and healthcare provision, by supporting sports and regular physical exercise, as well as by ensuring the protection of the environment.

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article Q: 

(1)"In order to establish and maintain peace and security and to achieve the sustainable development of humanity, Hungary shall strive to cooperate with all the peoples and countries of the world."

(2) "In order to comply with its obligations under international law, Hungary shall ensure that Hungarian law be in conformity with international law."

(3) "Hungary shall accept the generally recognised rules of international law. Other sources of international law shall become part of the Hungarian legal system by publication in rules of law."


Q) cikk

(1) "Magyarország a béke és a biztonság megteremtése és megőrzése, valamint az emberiség fenntartható fejlődése érdekében együttműködésre törekszik a világ valamennyi népével és országával."

(2) "Magyarország nemzetközi jogi kötelezettségeinek teljesítése érdekében biztosítja a nemzetközi jog és a magyar jog összhangját."

(3) "Magyarország elfogadja a nemzetközi jog általánosan elismert szabályait. A nemzetközi jog más forrásai jogszabályban történő kihirdetésükkel válnak a magyar jogrendszer részévé."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article XVI (1): “Every child shall have the right to the protection and care required for his or her proper physical, mental and moral development.”

XVI. cikk (1): "Minden gyermeknek joga van a megfelelő testi, szellemi és erkölcsi fejlődéséhez szükséges védelemhez és gondoskodáshoz."

Article XVII (3): " Every employee shall have the right to working conditions which respect his or her health, safety and dignity."

XVII. cikk (3): "Minden munkavállalónak joga van az egészségét, biztonságát és méltóságát tiszteletben tartó munkafeltételekhez."



الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 79: “Each citizen has the right to healthy and sufficient food and clean water. The State shall ensure food resources to all citizens. The State shall also ensure sustainable food sovereignty and maintain agricultural biological diversity and types of local plants in order to safeguard the rights of future generations.”


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 83: “The State shall guarantee the health, economic, social, cultural and entertainment rights of the elderly people, provide them with appropriate pensions which ensure a decent life for them, and enable them to participate in public life.”




الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 93: “The State shall be bound by the international human rights agreements, covenants and conventions ratified by Egypt, and which shall have the force of law after publication in accordance with the prescribed conditions".

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 8: “The State shall achieve social justice and provide the means to achieve social interdependence, in order to ensure a decent life for all citizens, as regulated by Law”

Article 17: “The State shall ensure that social insurance services are provided. All citizens who do not benefit from the social insurance system have the right to social security, in a manner that ensures a decent life in the event of being incapable to provide for themselves and their families, as well as in cases of incapacity to work, old age or unemployment.”

Article 27: “From a social perspective, the economic system shall ensure equal opportunities and fair distribution of development returns, reduce the differences among incomes and adhere to a minimum wage and pension ensuring a decent life, as well as a maximum one in State agencies for every salaried employee according to the Law.”

Article 29: “Agriculture is a basic component of the economy. The State shall protect and expand agricultural land, and shall criminalize encroachments thereon. It shall develop rural areas; raise the standard of living of their population and protect them from environmental risks; and shall strive to on develop agricultural and animal production and encourage industries based thereon. The State shall provide agricultural and animal production requirements, and shall buy basic agricultural crops at suitable prices generating profit margins for farmers in agreement with agricultural unions, syndicates and associations. The State shall also allocate a percentage of reclaimed lands to small farmers and youth graduates, and protect farmers and agricultural workers against exploitation. All the foregoing shall be as regulated by Law.”

Article 81: “The State shall guarantee the health, economic, social, cultural, entertainment, sporting and educational rights of persons with disabilities and dwarves, strive to provide them with job opportunities, allocate a percentage of job opportunities to them, and adapt public facilities and their surrounding environment to their special needs.”

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