FAO in Rwanda


31 January 2019
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources organized a national policy dialogue on “Agricultural Innovation Systems” to analyze enabling environment for Agricultural Innovation Systems in Rwanda, and made actionable recommendations for improvement. The policy dialogue was part of the...
20 December 2018
 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Thursday, distributed pheromone traps and lures to farmers from the six districts in Rwanda most affected by the Fall armyworm (FAW), namely; Nyamagabe, Nyanza, Muhanga, Rwamagana, Nyagatare and Kayonza located in Southern and Eastern Provinces. Under the project “Support to the Government...
18 December 2018
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rwanda organized a consultative workshop with multi-stakeholders, as the Organization embarks on the formulation of its Country Programming Framework (CPF) that will run from 2019 –2023. CPF is a document entailing priorities guiding the FAO’s collaboration with the Government of Rwanda...
24 October 2018
Partnership boost better farming decisions based on weather information The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have taken steps to boost the capacity of extension workers and farmers to respond to climate change and variability in agricultural practice. Under the lead of FAO’s Digital Innovation...
18 October 2018
Over 60 per cent of youth account for all African unemployed and the majority of them live in rural areas. Africa’s economy is inherently dependent on agriculture. More than 32% of the continent’s gross domestic product comes from the sector. In Rwanda, agriculture contributed 6 per cent to Rwanda’s gross domestic...