
Sustainable Foods Summit

9 - 10 June 2016
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The European edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit will be hosted in Amsterdam on 9-10th June 2016. The summit comprises four dedicated sessions.

Session Four: Food Losses & Waste

According to the FAO (United Nations), up to a third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted in the supply chain. At the same time, almost a billion people go hungry because of lack of food. Apart from the social and economic implications of food waste, there are environmental impacts. Food waste in landfill is a major contributor to global warming, creating almost a quarter of methane gases. Food losses also represent a waste of resources in production, such as agricultural land, water, energy and inputs.

Practical solutions to reduce food losses & waste will be discussed at the Sustainable Foods Summit and Robert van Otterdijk, team leader of FAO’s SAVE FOOD Initiative, will be attending to the Summit to discuss on these issues.

Sustainable ingredients, food waste and marketing developments will be featured in the European edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit. Like previous editions, the summit will bring together leading organizations involved in eco-labels and sustainability in the food industry.

This session looks at approaches to reduce food losses in the supply chain, as well as waste at consumer level. What role can food companies and retailers play? How can consumers be encouraged to undertake responsible consumption? The role of packaging in waste reduction, as well as landfill diversion and food rescue programmes, will be discussed. The session adjourns with featured speakers discussing sustainable consumption: what is the best way to instigate positive change?

Further Resources

Sustainable Foods Summit website