FAO in South Sudan


17 September 2024
A visit to Bori cattle camp, located about 14-kilometres North of Juba in the Central Equatoria region of South Sudan, gave a World Bank delegation led by their Country Manager for South Sudan, Charles Undeland, FAO and government officials, an opportunity to see first-hand, life at the camp. Boasting of a...
04 September 2024
In the heart of Moti Village, located in Torit County, Eastern Equatoria State, lives Timothy Ofuko Rendento, a 65-year-old farmer whose life is deeply rooted in the soil. Here, the main crops grown are millet, cassava, sorghum, fruits, and vegetables. For Timothy, his fields of sorghum, maize, and cowpeas represent...
12 August 2024
  Juba – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, launched the first ISAVET program in South Sudan attended by key stakeholders. This on-the-job training  addresses critical skills identified through assessments needed to effectively conduct surveillance and intervention to animal...
03 June 2024
Amos Anisa lives with his wife and five children in the lush lands of Yambio County, Western Equatoria State, in southwestern South Sudan, close to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The county falls within the equatorial maize and cassava livelihoods zone. Like much of the Equatoria region, residents...
14 May 2024
In the sun-scorched lands of South Sudan, where the echoes of conflict and hardship linger in the air, one farmer's story stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit. Meet Joseph Amin Luka, a determined farmer from Lerwa Boma, whose life took a transformative turn...
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