FAO Investment Centre
©FAO/Gent Skhullaku
Montenegrin fruit and vegetable growers touring Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in September saw how modernizing and diversifying production, improving...
of top photo: Port of Tarragona, Photo Credit of the rest: ©FAO/Stephanie Leontiev
Spain is one of the main grain importers in the Mediterranean region. As such, the country has a wealth of...
In Kazakhstan, approximately 2 million families earn a living in the dairy sector. 80 percent of all milk in Kazakhstan...
©FAO/David Mansell-Moullin
The pace of digital disruption over the last two decades has been breathtaking, transforming every sector of the global economy,...
The Serbian Grain Association hosted a round table yesterday at Global Grain Geneva to promote Serbian grain and the...
©FAO/Oliver Bunic
7 November 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro – Today, a number actors in Montenegro’s fruit and vegetable value chains – including producers,...