FAO Investment Centre
FAO/Cecilia Calatrava
Exploring Georgia’s gastronomy offers tourists unique insights into the country and its culture. Enriching tourists’ experiences also has the potential to...
 © FAO/Gent Skhullaku
Ahead of Sustainable Gastronomy Day (18 June), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture...
©FAO/Areej Jafari
A training program, organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Food and Agriculture Organization on pruning...
©Marijan Močivnik, Studio Ajd
A regional wine symposium is helping build agrifood system resilience and diversify export markets.
The COVID-19 pandemic established food e-commerce as a global phenomenon. Lockdowns and closures drove consumers online and led to a...
Around 190 olive growers, industry workers and government technicians from Jordan have benefitted from training sessions on improving their crops...