Sustainable Food and Agriculture


SFA side event at XIV World Forestry Congress in Durban, 7 September

04 September 2015

The future of forests largely depends on how other sectors, in particular agriculture, interact with them. To ensure its sustainability, forestry has no other option than finding ways to successfully and synergistically managing these interactions. 

The event will aim at discussing the opportunities that SFA offers to enhance forest sustainability through better work across sectors. It will present FAO’s common vision as well as preliminary conclusions from country implementation. It will benefit from the participation of FAO keynote speakers, as well as high-level government officials from partner countries who will share their experiences on cross-sectoral approaches to forest management. 

Title: FAO’s common vision for Sustainable Food and Agriculture - Enhancing Forests’ Sustainability through Improved Cross-Sectoral Governance Mechanisms

Side event - Monday 7 September, from 12:45 to 14:15

Meeting room: 21DEF 


12:45 Opening (Eduardo Mansur, FAO)

12:55 FAO’s cross-sectoral vision and approach for Sustainable Food and Agriculture (Ewald Rametsteiner, FAO)

13:05 The vision in action in Rwanda:

Video "Towards a Coordinated Action for Forest and Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Food and Agriculture in Rwanda"

Challenges and opportunities for enhanced coordination between agriculture and natural resources in Rwanda (Mr. Innocent Musabyimana, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda)

13:30 Panel discussion (facilitated by Marco Boscolo, FAO):

Mr. Innocent Musabyimana, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda

Dr. Kamal Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Secretary of Environment and Forests Ministry, Bangladesh

Dr. Constance Neely, Senior Advisor, Research-Practice-Policy Integration, Office of the Director General, ICRAF

Dr. Deon Nel, Acting Executive Director for Conservation, WWF International

13:45 Open discussion and questions from the audience

14:05 Conclusions (Ewald Rametsteiner, FAO)

14:10 Closure



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